Chapter Thirteen: So little time away

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Chapter Thirteen: So little time away

I watched her leave and Ellison comforted me. "Derek, what did you expect?" She asked, "everyone here freaked out as soon as they learned what we are." She said and I sighed, "and if you were expecting her not to leave it would be crazy." My dad said and I nodded, "yeah... I just wish that things went a little differently..."

[Sarah's Pov]

I boarded the plane after packing up some clothes. I'd be attending the funeral that was in a few days... I wish that went differently... I wish that I didn't freak out the way I did... those people I have grown to love and I'm just running away now... if I could turn back time then I would. I would want to sit and understand what they are... it explains why he smelled like the outdoors... and why Xavier never played nursery games, and the fact that they have a large painting of a bear on their mantel piece... it explains a whole lot more the more time I gave it.

When I landed in Seattle and my uncle was there with the car. "Hey Sarah, how have you been, surprised when I got your call." He said and hugged me, "yeah, sorry about that... I wanted to be here for the funeral and to get some photo albums from the bookshelves." I said and he nodded, "come on, I'll get you home." He said and placed my suitcase in the back seat. We didn't talk, I just watched the rain fall as Uncle Whitmore drove and sang tunelessly to the radio. "Here we are. Home sweet home." He said as he pulled up to the old white house. It was small and in need of repainting. "It's yours you know. They left it and everything in the will. They even left the small cafe in your name." "Cafe? I thought they sold it?" I said and he shook his head, "yeah, they did but they made a smaller cafe. It still has the people working there, bringing in money. You can always live here you know." I nodded weakly and left it at that. "Sarah." Uncle Whitmore said before leaving. "They loved you dearly. Left anything they had to you, the money, the house, the land, everything. Be on the look out though. Irvine, your parent's manager at the cafe though he'd get the cafe. So watch out. He's spiteful." I nodded and he left. I sat down on the sofa and closed my eyes before interrupted by my cell phone. I sighed and picked it up. "Hello?" "Sarah, I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Derek cut his visit short." Amanda said, "I'll... try and be back after the funeral and such..." I said and wiped at my face. "Seriously?! That's great! Usually it takes people a few months to come to terms with-" "Amanda. Stop it." I heard Xavier on the other end. I hung up before I got myself in to far deep... I was emotionally drained. I was occupied by work and Derek... I never thought that death... would be so permanent... I expected to see my mom come walking in, frilly "world's best mom" apron on with fuzzy slippers. Dad to be walking into the house, hat and pipe on and kicking his shoes off after a long day at work. Mom would kiss him and I would jump up and hug his legs, I got out of that habbit when I was eleven and instead came in with some relaxing coffee, and I'd play some soft music for him so he could relax and read the evening paper. I then also took over making dinner so mom and dad could have alone time. I'd walk in on them sleeping, watching crap telly, or dad reading and mom knitting. I felt a lump rise in my throat as I remembered all those small little things, how mom would dust every Tuesdays and Thursdays and mop every Friday and Saturday, how dad would play catch with me on the weekends, how we once broke the tree house we were building and we had matching casts. How we'd all go for dinner one night a month and walk the beach to watch the sunset or go to the drive in movie theater. In the morning mom would make pancakes shaped like hearts or an "S" for my name, topping them off with whip cream and strawberries. How one Christmas dad said he'd make the dinner but ended up burning the ham and we had to order take out from a dinner and ate them on the floor of the kitchen.

I sighed and sat up. I walked to the fridge, it was clean like always. The milk was still in date, as was the cereal. Everything was clean and dusted. I looked out to the back yard and saw blood on the bark. It was nearly washed off but... that did it. I dropped the bowl and began to cry. I fell to the floor as I felt the sobs tear their way through my throat. I sat there in the kitchen for a good hour and a half crying. I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't bring them back, I could only mourn them. I was brought back to the ringing of my phone.

[Derek's Pov]

Sadness cut through me, it was so powerful that I felt a tear roll down my cheek. These were feelings of my soul mate, my Sarah. I grabbed my phone and called her quickly. Please be alright. Please be alright! "Hello?" She asked, she pulled the phone back and let go of a sob. It was muffled by her hand or a pillow or something. "Sarah? Are you alright? Tell me what's wrong." I said and she cleared her throat. "I can't." She said and began to cough, she was getting sick from crying. "Can I text you instead, my voice hurts." She said and ended the call. I ran a hand through my hand and typed at rapid speed,

Are you alright?

I waited for painful seconds to pass before she answered.

If I said yes I'd be lying.

The sadness inside me was swirling and painful, I get this on a lesser scale from Sarah so what she was feeling was nearly ten times worse.

What happened?

I watched my phone for the message, it was vital I see what was upsetting her. Everything was screaming at me to go to her, to keep her safe and comfort her in this time.

I looked out the window... there was blood on the tree.

My breath caught, her parents were killed by bears, maybe a cougar, no wonder she's so frightened of us... I forgot.

I'm coming over. You need me right now. I'll go there and rent a hotel on the other side of town if it will make you happy but I'm being there for you.

I began to get packed when after I was out the door I got her text.


~an hour later~

I landed in Seattle and I rushed over to Sarah's house. I asked her address and without missing a beat she texted back.

When I got to the house I saw that one light was on and I saw Sarah sitting, watching a colourful program. I knocked on the door and I heard her turn the television off and she slowly walked to the door. As she opened it I slipped in and closed the door. "Sarah. I sorry, my flight was delayed." I said and she buried herself in my arms. "Derek. I'm sorry... I should have taken your news better-" "I don't care how you handled me being a bear. I'm just worried for you right now, sunshine." I said and held her tightly. She pulled back and wrapped her arms around my neck, "Derek, I was so afraid... but not of you." She said and I patted down her hair, "I was afraid that you didn't have control, afraid that I would be just like my parents." She whispered and I rocked her back and forth. "He loves you just as much as I love you. He'd never hurt you Sarah, and neither would I. That's why I was scared of that dream I told you about. Because for a split second I though it would come true and you'd be scared of me." I said and she buried her face in the crook of my neck. After we stood there she pulled me to the sofa and turned the telly back on.

Have any of you caught the symbolism yet? It's very prominent in the story. Leave your comment below on what you think it is.
By the way, not the end of the story.

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