Chapter Six: Mishaps

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Chapter Six: Mishaps

[Sarah's Pov]

"Sir? It's morning. If you don't hurry and get ready you'll be late for the luncheon." I said as I straightened my dark blue suit. He mumbled something incoherent and opened the door. His hair was a mess, his shirt was rumpled and several buttons were undone, and his underwear had a certain bulge that drawn my attention. I quickly shook my head and looked back up to his totally red face. "Sir, did you fall asleep on the couch or something?" I said and pushed him in. "Hurry, you get into the shower. A cold shower to wake you up." I said and pushed him into the bathroom. "I'll set out your clothes, alright?" I said and he nodded as he closed the bathroom door. I picked up his pants, tie, and his coat from around the room before I went into his room and picked out a black suit with a blue tie, I also grabbed some shinning black shoes to match. He soon came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his bottom half of his body. I smiled at him and pointed to the clothes clearly seen on his bed, "I'll make you some coffee to get rid of your hangover." I said and he smiled sheepishly when he looked at me before disappearing into his room to change. I grabbed his French press and made the strongest coffee I could. I nodded as I poured it into a white mug and I waited for him to walk out of his room. "Sarah! Could you come in here? I need your help!" He yelled and I walked into his room and handed him his cup of coffee as I grabbed his tie from his hands. "God, this is really strong!" He said sticking his tongue out. "Yes, it's to get that hangover away before the luncheon." He nodded as he watched me knot his tie. "Sorry about that by the way." He said, I knew what he was talking about but I can tell that he was embarrassed about that... "There is nothing to be sorry about sir. We need to get to that Lunch or we could be late. It's nearly ten thirty, and it takes half an hour to get to that restaurant, we have to hurry." I said and grabbed his coat. He gave me his pager and his phone and I placed them in my purse.

When we got there we sat down at our table and we waited for the others to come. Finally they did, they were all, more or less, young men who wore different but similar suits. The youngest was in a grey suit, had blonde hair, and the deepest green eyes I have ever seen. The second was slightly older and wore a black suit with a slim black tie, with light brown hair and alluring brown eyes. The last had the look about near thirty or so with salt and pepper hair with dark, soulless eyes and wore a dark grey suit. "Gentlemen." Derek said as we stood and shook their hands, "Mr Winters, we've met, but we haven't had the pleasure of meeting this fine flower." Said the middle aged of the three men. "This is my personal assistant, Miss Sarah Song, Miss Song, this is Mr Wilson Johnson, Mr Hank Johnson, and Mr Barkley Johnson of Johnson and Co." Derek said as I shook their hands again. Wilson looked me up and down as we are before they discussed business. I sat quietly, taking in all the information I could retain.

Soon lunch was over. "Hey, so I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime." Wilson said in front of all the rest. "No thank you sir." I said and he looked a bit taken aback. "What?" He said, "but I thank you for the offer." I said and as they left he gave me one last look over, I never wanted to hit someone so badly before in my life. "Damn that bastard." Derek muttered as we walked to the limo that would take us home for an hour before we had to go to that dinner party. "Amen to that." I said as we went in the opposite direction of the apartments. "What?" Derek asked, partly shocked I suppose. "Never had I wanted to hit someone as badly as I did in there... I might have lost it if they didn't leave as quick as they did." Derek bursted out into a laughing fit. "That's what I love about you! Your so controlled, if I were you, well even then, I would have decked him!" He said, trying to settle down. I smiled myself at the thought of Derek punching that weasel. A hot looking weasel, but a weasel nonetheless.

We stopped in front of a high end shopping area. "Come on, you need a dress and I need a tux." He said and I nodded. Once we stepped out I was greeted with warm near-winter air. We walked in and he threw dress after dress at me. I tried on one of the more simpler ones and was happy with the plain, simple purple cocktail dress. I came out and he smiled, "I love it."

[Derek's Pov]

She stepped out in a purple cocktail dress that framed her body easily. "I love it." I'd love it even more if it was on the ground as I kissed her body up and down. "Right. I'll get out of this--" she watched me for a second but shook her head, as if coming out of a daze. "And help you pick out the right tuxedo for tonight." She continued and went back. I began to peruse around the tuxedos when Sarah came up from behind me. "What about this?" She asked holding up a black tuxedo with a dark blue handkerchief. I picked that out and fixed it with a purple one. "I have a purple tie that would go great with this." I said, alright, so I wanted to match. If I can't claim her physically then spiritually I will.

When we got to our apartments she went to go get ready. A little while later I forgot to get my phone from her bag so I used my spare to open her door. I walked in, grabbed my phone and saw her standing there in a towel, hair dried and slung over one shoulder, her eyes wide unlike her mouth, and her hands nearly let the towel drop. She caught it just before I could see too much cleavage. "S-sir?!" She stuttered out. "Sorry I forgot to get my phone..." I said, letting my eyes wander over her new apparel. The beast within wanted to claim her hard, fast, and forever. Make her only ours. "Mine." He growled incoherently. "Excuse me?" She said, she obviously heard it though. "Sorry. I'll be going now." I said and ran out quick enough, I probably left a cartoon dust trail.

I came out and saw Sarah standing there as if nothing happened, all except for her heart acceleration. When so near to my soul mate, I can feel all of her emotions and stress points. Just not her sweet spots. "May I?" She asked and gestured to my tie. It was undone and just around my neck. "Please." She walked up to me and pulled the fabric softly around my neck. "Sorry about--" her face turned red at the mention of it. "Now we're even, I suppose." She whispered, her face went from red to pink, back to that light golden color I love so much.

"S-sir?!" She stuttered out, we were back in her apartment, she was back in that cloth. It dropped and she tried to pick it back up but I pinned her to the wall. "Mine." The beast growled in between me kissing her neck, desperate to find her sweet spot. "Derek? Hello? Earth to Derek?"

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