Chapter Two: New Life

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Chapter Two: New Life

I woke up in the morning and saw a sticky note. "Job change?" I read aloud. My phone began to ring so I picked it up quickly. "Hello?" I asked and took a quick photo of the sunrise and waited to hear this person's voice. "Good, how are you feeling Miss Song?" I heard a sexy voice say. "Just fine, and yourself Mr...?" "Winters. You might not remember but yesterday I hired you to be my personal assistant." He said and I found it hard to think. "Excuse me sir?" I asked and he chuckled. "You signed to my conditions, I'll send some men to your house to start moving some things, you won't be needing your furniture unless you really want to keep it. Sorry, I must get going. I called you per your instructions. I'll see you soon." He said and hung up. I blinked back the tears and started to get packing.

After showering and changing I packed everything I could and I grabbed the things my parents gave me. The china cabinet with the fancy plates. I bubble wrapped them and placed them carefully into a box. I also placed some of my regular dishes in there as I wrote "FRAGILE" in permanent marker and "THIS SIDE UP" pointing an arrow to the top.

Soon people came knocking at my door. I opened it and saw muscled men in tight shirts and jeans. They picked up my china cabinet with ease and got it through the door and down to a moving van. They soon cleared out my small apartment, all except my box of photos and some left over sticks of furniture. I sighed and walked downstairs and saw them lined up in two rows that led to an open limousine door. I looked at one of them with a confused expression and he nodded and gestured to walk in between them and get into the car. I nodded and began to walk, clutching the box so tightly that I thought maybe it would brake. I sat down and they closed the door. I bit my lip as I looked around, my breath caught when I saw who else was in here with me. "Derek was right. You are very pretty." She looked like a super model! How could she call me pretty?! "Hello ma'am." I said and kept my fright locked away. "Hello, I'm Derek's older sister, Amanda Winters." I shook her extended hand, "Nice to meet you Miss Winters." She chuckled, "he also said how polite you are, even when you were drunk." She said as I blushed, he told her about me? Why am I so special all of a sudden? "Now Sarah Song," She said and I focused on her, the box of photos at my feet. "My curiosity is killing me! What do you have in that box?" She asked and I opened it for her and handed her a few of the top photos. "I never get to see these! They're beautiful!" She said and I smiled, "Thank you Miss Winters." "You must get up pretty early to take these around this time of year." I shrugged, not making a big deal out of it. "Well, I hope you'll like your new home." She said and gestured to a grand Winters hotel. I nodded, "Thank you Miss Winters." She smiled and moved so she sat next to me. "Call me Amanda." She said and patted my hand. I nodded, "Thank you Amanda."

I followed a man who took my box of photos and he pressed the top button after turning a key. Once we reached the top he opened one of two doors where my things were already. My china cabinet was fit in the lounge area. The man placed my box down, gave me the elevator key, and left before I could pay him or something. I looked around and found my bedroom. I placed up my dart board and pinned up the photos one by one, looking at each date on the back and remembering the days. Soon I was done settling in when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and saw the man who saved me, Derek Winters. He smiled and went to hug me but instead held out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and he smiled around. "I hope you like your new home. I though you'd like to know how things will go now." He said and gestured me to follow him out of my apartment and to the one across the way. We walked in and he offered me a drink. "No thank you sir." I said and he chuckled, "probably for the best. Now, here is my diary." He said and handed me a small back book. I leafed through the pages and nodded, he was quite a messy person... "I will need you to carry pens, pencils, and a note pad at all times. When we're out in public I will also need you to carry my pager and my cell phone. Today we will go shopping for a new wardrobe, when we're out and about I need you to be in a suit. Don't worry about paying for it, I'll do it because I'm asking for you to wear them, any questions?" He asked and I shook my head. "No sir." I said and he smiled, "thank you for this Sarah Song. You are a life savior." He said and I nodded. I ran back into my new apartment and grabbed my purse and a note pad. I placed it right by my pens and placed the diary in there as well. He had us picked up and I was slightly embarrassed walking into a fancy clothing store in my jeans and high tops along with an old baggy sweater. "Welcome!" Said a fancy man, he sounded French and looked like a million dollars. "Hello. I'll be needing a suit wardrobe for this pretty lady." Derek said and the man looked me up and down, disapproval was shown strongly in the wrinkles under his mouth. "Yes sir." He said and we followed him to the near back area of the store. "I'd advise you to stay away from the colors, your type of skin tone would do better with plain, simple black and white." I watched as he tossed suit after suit at me. All of them the same size, all of them the same color, all of them black. I went to go try one on to see if it would fit me. I bit my lip as I slipped on the fabric over my skin. I was thankful that my pantie line didn't show. "You nearly done? I want to see you." I fiddled with the tie until it was perfect and I walked out. Derek smiled, "yes, I like the black on you... but can you bear to try more? Please? For me?" He asked I held my breath as I nodded. He smiled as he handed me a baby blue suit, a dark blue suit, and a light pink/beige suit. I tried them all on and he bought everything I tried on. "Now time to get you proper shoes. Not that I don't think you can't rock the high tops but I think low heels would be better with these." He said and gestured to the bags in his hand. He set them gently into the car and we drove to a shoe store not far down the lane. He told me to sit down and he took off my shoes. He slipped a pair of black low heels on my feet and hand me walk around in them. I nearly lost my balance but I thankfully didn't. He got three pairs of the black, one pair of light blue, dark blue, and white on account of not finding the color he wanted. We walked back to the car and we drove back to the hotel. I carried some bags but he carried most because... well he didn't give me a reason but I think so it couldn't hurt his manly pride. "And tomorrow we wake up at six." He said as he placed the bags down on my bed. "Thank you Mr Winters." I said and he smiled. "Another thing." He said and leaned towards me. "Call me Derek when we're alone. Can I call you Sarah?" I nodded, "yes, sir you may." I said and he chuckled, "we're alone Sarah." I blushed a bit, "thank you Derek." I said and he smiled, "right. I need to visit home, I'll leave you to the unpacking and all that." He said and I nodded.

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