Chapter Nine: In the Garden

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Chapter Nine: In the Garden

[Derek's Pov]

Sarah didn't act like she didn't hear it but she didn't say anything. "You should see the view from the hill. It's rather pleasing." I said and held her hand and began to pull her along. Once we reached the top of the hill we sat down and saw my white house, surrounded by red, white, and pink roses, among other flowers, a lake with ducks in it, and a small forest. "Whoa." Sarah said and smiled, "it's great place for picnics." I said and she nodded, not taking her eyes off of the scene. "I bet." I smiled and moved a piece of hair from her face. Her smile froze and went down into a shocked expression before she turned to me, "sorry, you had a bit of fun in you hair." I covered, she really doesn't buy my excuses... "alright." She said and laid down in the grass and looked up to the blue sky. Fluffy white clouds slowly moved across the sky. "Funny thing, the sky..." She said after a long while of soft silence. "What do you mean?" I asked looking over to her, she was taking in every detail of the clouds, of the pigment in the sky. "Sunrises, when the sun first begins to make it's way into the sky, it goes from dark blue, to a whole array of hot colors, then to a light blue before turning colors and turning to a deep blue, near black." She said, she sounded a bit drowsy. "Yeah, it's beautiful." I said and she nodded slowly in agreement. She began breathing deeply, as if she was taking a nap. I turned over and watched her. I watched her, the urge to at least kiss her was overwhelming. Leaning down I touched lips but then she kissed back. I jumped back and saw her very much awake!

[Sarah's Pov]

I closed my eyes and relaxed, it was nice here. The grass was swaying beside me, meaning Derek was moving. I felt his breath tail up my skin and stopped above my lips. I nearly stopped breathing as he pressed his lips to mine.

What would my pros and cons be? Cons:
It's never good to mix your work life and your personal life.
If the relationship doesn't work out, you'd loose your job.

He's kind and he has understood you from the get go.
He's humane so he wouldn't let you go without severance pay.
He's very good at kissing...

I made up my mind and kissed him back. He bolted back and looked at me with wide eyes. "I'm sorry-!" He said and I bit my lip, "what if... what if I say that... what would you say if I liked kissing you?" I said as he licked his lips, his eyes darted from my eyes, to my lips, back to my eyes. "I would probably kiss you again. What would you say?" He asked and scooted closer. "I'd probably say... hurry up and kiss me." I whispered and he leaned in and smiled, "what's with the change of heart?" "I'll draw up the pros and cons later for you, Mr. Winters." I whispered, his face went slightly pink before he kissed me, pushing me lightly down, back onto the grass. His tongue lightly grazed my lips, I blushed as I let him in, we fought together but he won. I wrapped my hands through his hair. He released a deep animal growl as he ran his hands up and down my arms. We stopped and watched one another, "So, what exactly are they, my pros and cons?" He asked as we sat up. I grabbed my small pad and pen when he stuttered a laughter. "What?" I asked and he smiled, "Do you always carry a pad and pen?" He said as I wrote down his pros and cons, "Is that the best pick up line you have?" I asked and he blushed, his face ended to look like a cherry. "W-w-well--" "has anyone ever said you look cute when you go all blushy?" I said and he kissed me, blush crept to my cheeks. "It's in the job description. You told me to carry these where ever we go." I stumbled through the words and he smiled, "right so for you your cons are-" "how come you don't start with the pros?" "It tries to wipe away the bad." I said, "Right, cons: your dating your secretary--" "That's a pro." He said, "How is that a pro?" I said and watched him as he moved some of my hair out of my face. "You know my schedule, we travel together, your not far from me so it's not going to drive me crazy." He said and I bit my bottom lip.

[Derek's Pov]

"So, back to cons." Sarah said as she looked back down to the page. "If you are seen dating your secretary, your reputation could pay the price." She said and I cupped her face. "Fuck my reputation. None of that matters to me anymore." I said and kissed her nose, her cheeks, then her lips. She squeaked but then seemed to melt into the kiss. "Are all your "cons" pros?" I asked and she shook her head, "what will your family think not being with someone of higher standing?" She read off her page. "They'd be thrilled that I found someone as down-to-earth as you to keep me in line." I said and she bit back a smile before she looked back to the page. "Young, attractive women are very interested in world famous Derek Winters." She said and that made my stomach curl. "Like you?" "I'll attend that in a second. That's on mine." I could only imagine which column she placed her being incredibly sexy in. "No amount of women can take my eyes off of you." I whispered as I kissed her lightly. "Is that all of your so-called "cons"?" I asked with a wicked grin. "We both work in the same building, nearly the same room, it'll be distracting." She said, "I'm good at playing the waiting game." I whispered and she shook her head, "no, I ment for me..." She mumbled and I bursted out laughing, nearly rolling down the hill. "How is that so funny Derek?" She said and I cleared away tears, "sorry, the way you said it, it was just so cute." I said and she scratched her cheek. "Well, I don't have to play the waiting game. Just tell me when you want my attention. You'll get it, I assure you." I whispered into her ear. They turned red and when I looked at her face it was entirely red. "Right, so the pros?" I asked and she nodded, "you'll get hot coffee in the morning when you get up for work." I waited, "is that it?" "Literally all I could think to give you." She said and laughed herself, "not your best choice of girl to kiss... also you'll never be late to work." She said again before I kissed her again, now that I can, I just can't stop. "I pointed out more pros for me. I'll also have you, a super smart, sexy, independent, young woman to be beside me." I whispered against her lips before kissing her once more. As we separated she turned the page back and cleared her throat. "Right... these are pros and cons for me I suppose..." She said, "throw them at me, I’ll make them into pros." I said and she nodded, "if this relationship doesn't work then-" "don't say that you'll loose your job, because I'd never do that to you Sarah." I said and she cleared her throat. "Then it would be awkward to be around one another." She said and I sighed, "I know that would never happen." She looked like she'd ask me how I knew but moved on. "I tried never to mix my personal life and my work life." She said and I nodded, "I can't fit into both?" I asked and she thought it over, "I suppose you could... huh... are you going to do this to all my reasons?" She asked and I nodded, "yeah, I am." She smiled and chuckled. "Right, next is... you have just kissed the least attractive person in the business." She said and I pinned her down quickly, "never say that." I said, she looked surprised, "Because to me, you're the most beautiful woman in the world." I said and kissed her again, her lips so sweet, like honey. "Alright... one or two more con before I get to the pros." She said and I helped her sit back up and continue.

"What can I possibly give the man who has everything?"

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