Chapter Seven: Meet the Family

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Chapter Seven: Meet the Family

[Sarah's Pov]

"Derek? Hello? Earth to Derek?" I asked waving a hand in front of his glazed over face. We were in his limo but he clutched the armrest tightly, as if something was wrong. "Hm?" He looked over to me, his eyes dancing with lust and something deeper I couldn't take in. "Are you alright sir? Only, you have a vise grip on that armrest." I stated, he looked down, let go, and looked back up at me. "What's the matter sir?" I asked, his eyes flickered with that unknown emotion and he took my hand. "Nothing. It's fine." He said and let my hand go. I nodded and looked ahead.

"Mine." He growled, and pinned me to the door, causing the cloth to drop.

I shook my head, thoughts like this about what could have happened, he probably just ment "his phone" or something. During the drive he began to play around his his fingers, when he sighed and began to play with mine. I giggled before I could stop myself, he reminded me of a child on a long car ride. "What?" He asked sweetly, chuckling himself. I smiled and wiggled the fingers that he was lightly touching. He looked down, studied what he was holding, and looked back up to me with a calming face. His striking eyes lured me in, his smile melted my heart... maybe this job change isn't the best idea if I'm sexually attracted to my boss...

We pulled up to the large mansion outside city limits. It was amazing! A young woman with golden like locks ran out of the door and hugged me. I stood still before I wrapped my arms around her. "Derek has told us all about you, Sarah!" She said with a large smile, I can see where Derek has gotten his bright blue eyes from. I smiled, "nice to meet you Mrs Winters." I said and she laughed, "Please! Call me Lydia, here he's not your boss, none of us are! Your our guest!" She said and pulled me inside. Thankfully I was wearing a pair of black flats so I didn't trip. "Ah! This must be the famous Sarah!" Said a man with dark hair and darker eyes. "Hello, nice to meet you Mr Winters." I said before he hugged me. This family is big on the hugging. "Please call me Xavier!" I nodded as I was taken by the hands and pulled into a hug by Amanda. "There she is! God, you got even more pretty from the last time I saw you!"She said and I blushed, "this is my fiancee, Jason Kirtland, call him Jason, 'kay?" She said and I nodded before I was pulled into a hug by him. "Nice to meet you Sarah! Amanda wouldn't stop talking about you, good to finally meet you." He said and I nodded, "nice to meet you as well." Someone tugged at my hand. I looked down and saw Franny. "Hello." I said and crouched down. She smiled and patted my head, it was the most God Damn cutest thing I have ever encountered. "Franny don't do that." Charlene said and I stood up as Derek picked Franny up. "Sarah, good to meet you. We didn't really meet but I'm Charlene, my husband Barrett, and our daughter Franny." She said and they both hugged me. "Dinners not ready yet, us ladies can hang out in the sitting room, you boys can go into the library." Ellison said and pushed us into the sitting room. Lydia pulled out a book titled "Derek" and sat me down. "This was him when he was small, he used to dance like that, more like he was twitching his butt." She said and I giggled, imagining this small Derek dancing. "So, are you and my uncle dating?" Franny asked, I stopped immediately. "No. It's not suitable to have any romantic relationship with your boss." Charlene cleared her throat as a sign for Franny to stop. "What if he fires you?" She asked, "Then he'd fire me and I'd move on to a different line of work? I never gave it much thought." I said and she sighed, "well, that can't be helped can it?" She said and got down and went back to coloring. "This is one of Derek and Barrett after mud wrestling." I looked at both the boys covered in mud, but smiling brightly, Derek was making a funny face. I smiled and heard a sound. I looked up and saw Ellison laughing on the ground. That's when I saw the large portrait of a bear. My breath caught and I felt my joy turn to sadness. Franny left and came back with Derek in tow. "What's wrong?" He asked and she pointed to me. I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Have I done something to upset her?" I said and she shook her head. "Once she saw the portrait of the bear she--" "Franny enough." Her father said, he was in the room along with the other men. "But she--" "Franny don't mess with things you don't know." Derek said and sat beside me. "Let's get you some air." He said and pulled me to my feet. "Alright?" I questioned, I turned and saw everyone smiling.

[Derek's Pov]

"Uncle!" Franny said as she pulled me along. "What's wrong?" looking over to Sarah, her eye's revealed all of her sadness but her face didn't show a line of it. "Have I done something to upset her?" Sarah asked and Franny shook her head. "Once she saw the portrait of the bear she--" "Franny enough." Barrett said, "But she--" Franny started, I could tell that Sarah wouldn't want to explain how her parents died. "Franny don't mess with things you don't know." I said and sat down beside Sarah, wrapping an arm around her bare shoulders. "Let's get you some air." I said and pulled her lightly to her feet and as we began to walk out she agreed. Once we were out she looked over to the maze but then back to me. "Miss Franny sure asks silly questions." She sighed and smiled, "what do you mean?" I asked and pulled her near to the maze. Truth be told I haven't been in this much in my life. "She asked me if we were dating." She said, my heart skipped a beat, "what did you say?" I asked, dying to know the answer. "I told her that it isn't suitable for an employee to have a relationship with her boss." She said and looked around the dark maze. "And then she asked if it would be alright if you fired me to date me. I forgot how straightforward they were at that age." She mumbled as she took a different direction. "Call if you get lost." I said as she disappeared.

We met at the fountain in the middle of the maze, she was silhouetted by the moonlight that caused both her and the water to glow. "Sarah." I said and she smiled, "Derek." I felt like lovers, rendezvous to run away with each other. I ran up to her and she to me. As we collided our arms met and we pulled each other into a hug. I pushed her down to the soft, green grass and watched her. "Sarah?" She smiled and nodded. I pulled at the small straps of her purple dress. I finally got impatient and slid it up and over, she moved her hands down my sides from my chest down to my hips. I kissed her neck where I knew there was a sweet spot and made her moan. She unbuttoned my shirt and I took a second to strip down to my underwear. She got up and kissed me, down my chest and slipped my boxers down. "Sarah." She looked up and kissed my mast. And that is when I lost it completely. I jumped back and pinned her to the ground. I ripped her underwear away and slipped inside. She moaned, it was sweet, like honey. I pumped slowly before the beast inside took over. My gentle care flushed away and was left with demanding thrusts. "Mine." He, rather I, growled as he pinned Sarah's hands above her head. He stopped, waiting for her answer. "Yours." She whispered, her voice was heartfelt, and true. She wiggled her hips to move up and down before the bear started again but I had half control so he wasn't going so hard on her. "I'll always be yours."

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