1. Pilot

419 6 12

"Come on, don't be a loser!"


John b climbed to a roof of a new building in the north side of outer banks. It was not done yet, and it took a place near the beach. He was standing at the top of a roof with a beer in his hand.

"Should I jump?" John b asks.
"Yea jump, I'll shoot you on the way down." Pope, the smart one answers below. "You'll shoot me?" He questions while licking his finger to see which way the wind blows.
"I don't care, just don't spill that beer, dude, I'm not giving you another one." JJ states sitting on a railing. And on that note, John b drops his beer to the terrace of the house, causing it to plash little over JJ and Emmi, who is sitting next to JJ. She is wearing black loose shorts, white top and on top of that gray hoodie. "Of course you did that, right after I told you not to."

"They are going to have a Japanese toilets with towel warmers, can you believe it?" And with that, Kiara, rich and hot girl walks out of the house right next to Elio, who just smiles at the girl. He is wearing shorts with orange background and flamingos in them. He has white shirt with the sun in the middle of it. "It's like nobody cares about turtles anymore." "I do!" Elio chirps happily while raising his hand and Kiara smiles at him.

"Can you not kill yourself, please? There are children here." She looks up at John b who stands with one leg up in the air. "No let him do it, it would be fun to watch!" Emmi Interrupts. Kiara, or kie just rolls her eyes at the girl. "And we are not children." Both Elio and Emmi say in a low voice.

"Time to wrap it up, security is here!" Pope announces as he looks to the ground and the pogues begin to leave, only Emmi stays put. "We got to go!" Elio reminds his twin, and she begins to follow them, but wanting to play with the security a little. What is more fun than to mess with the police?

They run through the house, Kiara, John b and Elio taking a safer way back to John b's mini van, the Twinkie. "Yo Gary is that you man?" JJ's voice echoes around the house as he sees the police officer. "I have been waiting for you!" Emmi adds. Pope goes the shorter way, when Emmi and JJ take the longer one.

Suddenly, Gary jumps straight in front of the siblings. He tries to take JJ but he manages to escape. "Not much of a hugger man!"

Next he graps Emmi, but is quicky shoved away from the girl. "I am a minor, come on!" She yells while she begins to run to the fence, where Pope and JJ are waiting.

Pope jumps first over the fence, just to fall face forward to the ground. Emmi and JJ laugh, while both climbing over with almost no effort. "The bus is leaving!" They hear John b yell from the van in the distance. They start to run, while police starts to chase them. 'get back here you little shits' could be heard from the police. They throw themselves in to the van.

JJ looks out the side door of the car, and hold up a beer can to the officer who tries to catch up, but fails miserably. "Come on you are so close, you can do it!" JJ encoures the chaser, while Emmi is laughing her head off next to her brother. Kie pulls JJ back and says sternly "JJ stop, stop, you are going to give him a heart attack!" "Oh come on, that sort of initiative is just begging to be punished"
And with that, the pogues leave the scene.


They arrive to John B's house, the chateau. "Who wants a beer?"  JJ asks while going to the fridge. "Me" Emmi says, but that idea is quicky shut down by her older brother. He gets beers for the others as they make their way to the dock beside water.

"What are we going to do today?" Elio questions. "I heard that hurricane is coming tonight." Emmi answers. For some reason, none of the others had heard about this, that is what made them skeptical. "And where exactly did you hear this?" Kie thinks out loud. "They were talking about it in the morning at the platform, and I overheard." She answers. "So you were earsdropping" pope states, but Emmi quicky denies that and says she just happened to hear it. "And look, there it's already coming" she says pointing at the sky. "Oh shit you weren't kidding" JJ broke the silence.

Both pope and Kiara had to get home, so John b and Elio went to drop them.

"Should we go home, I mean just to make sure the whole place doesn't crash?" Emmi suggest to JJ. "Nah, we are good here, let just go tomorrow" He replays. Emmi agreeds and makes her way to the kitchen and takes a drink from the fridge. "Are you sure the hurricane won't destroy this house. After all, this house isn't made of any bricks either." She brings out while taking a sip from her drink. "Let's hope not" JJ respond laying back on the couch.

After a while John b and Elio get back to the chateau, and they see JJ sleeping on his stomach on the couch. John b whisper-yells for Emmi to come to the living room, careful not to wake up JJ. She greets them as John b begans to talk.

"What do you kids say, that we go get our boards and let's go check out those waves?" "Really!?" Emmi answers excitingly. He nods, and she goes to the guest room to put on her swimsuit. That room is basically hers and her brothers, because the couch isn't the best place to sleep, they don't usually go home and John b doesn't mind having them over. "Do you wanna come with?" John b suggests to the boy infront of him. He thinks for a second, then agreeds.


"Is this really a good idea?" Elio shouts over the wind, holding his orange surfboard with pink flowers. "Come on, don't be a loser!" His twin yells, having her light green board with little dinosaurs steps, on her other hand. "I am NOT a loser!"

They beging running to the water, and after a while John b stops surfing and just looks to the horizon. Both of the kids are to busy trying to stay above the water to notice this.

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