8. bad feeling

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"I ask for one thing and you can't even do that!"


The siblings get to the wreck and go to the counter.

"What do you guys want?" JJ asks, ready to order.

"How much money do you have?" Elio wonders, knowing that money is thight right now.

"Enough, so get whatever you want."

Elio and Emmi look at the menu written on their right.

Elio decided to get fries, just like JJ. Very healthy breakfast.

"I'm not even that hungry, I'll just take something to drink." Emmi says.

"Are you sure? You didn't even eat anything yesterday." Elio worries. "I think you should get something."

"I really aren't hungry, I'll eat later."

Elio looks suspiciously at his twin, but decides to drop it.

Just then, Mike Carrera comes to serve them. The father of Kiara. The one who doesn't like his daughter's friends. The one who was once a pogue, but married rich.

Mike looks at them up and down with disgust, before taking their order.

JJ tells him and they go to sit at the table, where Mike told them to go.

"I hate him so much" Emmi complains, sitting down next to Elio. "He doesn't even have a reason to hate us" Elio backs Emmi up.

"He's just a dick, ignore him" JJ advised.

"That's what I was planning to do" Emmi takes a sip of her water.

Their food arrives and they eat it, while talking about everything that comes to mind.


"Look, I'm calling it off. All right? Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS." John b said as they were all sitting at the chateau. 

"And you believed her?" Emmi asks, looking at him. "Yes I believe her, Em." 

"An actual cop, John b. You believed a cop." JJ sits further away throwing rocks. "All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days, ans she'll help me out." John b explains. "And it doesn't help that your ass was the one having a gun." John b looks between Emmi and JJ. 

"We should have just let Topper drown your ass." Emmi looks up at the boy. "Topper was gonna drown me?" John b asked, not believing it. 

"Sure looked like it" Elio speaks. 

"Have you looked in a mirror?" JJ starts and walks towards John b. "They always win, don't they, man?" JJ leans against the wall. "Kook versus Pogues." "They always, always win!" He shouts. 

"Look, it's okay!" Kiara tries to calm the boy down, while Emmi and Elio just watch from the sidelines along with Pope. 

"It is not! They don't want us to go down into the marsh, that means there's something valuable down there, and you know it." JJ looks at John b, who just looks down. "I know you do. And I understand why you don't want to go." He looks at Pope. "You're the golden boy. You got way too much to risk. And you-" JJ turns to face Kiara. "I mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother?" "But us-" He points at the twins and between him and John b. "We got nothing to lose! We really don't, all right?"

Elio plays with his rings, looking down. It was almost as he couldn't hear the rest of the conversation. 

Of course, Emmi noticed this, pulled him up and walked away from them with Elio. "Couldn't listen to them anymore" Emmi says as they reach the stairs, sitting on them. "Emmi, I got a bad feeling about this." Elio confessed. "What sorta bad feeling about what?" Emmi took Elio's hands on hers. 

"About that boat, and us getting involved. I feel like something bad will happen." 

"I'm sure it will be nothing we can't handle." Emmi sights. "To be honest, I would like to walk away now, from all this, but what would JJ think of us?" She worries. 

"I don't know." 

"But, I promised somebody that I'll meet them tonight, so I have get going." Emmi says, standing up. "Will you be alright?" 

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!" Elio says, pulling her to a hug. "Go be with Pope or somebody, I will be right back." Emmi starts to walk away. "Who are you going to meet?" He looks at her. "Don't worry about it!" 


"Anybody home?" Emmi yells as she walks across the yard. 

"There she is!" He walks out of his house, carrying a bottle. "How did they let you come here?"

"Easy, I just didn't tell them were I was going. Actually I just told Elio that I was leaving, because if I told JJ, he wouldn't have let me here." Emmi and the man walk inside. 

"So, what brought you here? What can I do for you?" He asks, flopping down on the couch. "Oh, I just wanted to check in." Emmi says slowly, hoping he would believe her. "Nobody just wants to 'check in', so start talking."

"I know I said I wouldn't take them anymore, but please. I know you have them, I need them" She pleads. 

"No" He gets off the couch. "I'm not giving them to you. I already told you that couple weeks ago." 

"I got the money!" She pulls many stacks of cash from her pocket and follows him. "Just give them to me and you'll get all this. It's a deal!" 

"I'm not selling my fucking drugs to a 13 year old girl!" He snaps and turns around. 

"Fuck you Barry, I ask for one thing and you can't even do that!" Emmi yells back. 

"Don't you remember what happened last time!? Yea, you were bleeding on my floor and high as fuck! I had to call your brother because you were so messed up!" 

"That was an accident." Emmi whispers, putting the money back in her pocket. 'I didn't mean for you to find me' She mutters. "Accident or not, that can't happen again. Now, you have to go, I got a client that I'll have to serve. Go around the back, so he won't see you." Barry starts walking to the door. "Take care and stay clean, I don't want to see that again." He walks out, shutting the door behind him. 

Emmi stares at the door, with a defeated look. She didn't mean to let the event that happened two weeks ago happen. It just did. 

She walks towards the backdoor, but she can't help but notice the two bottles of pills on the table. She knows that stealing from a drug dealer is not a good thing do. 

Emmi looks out of the window, seeing Barry handing something to her dad. She freezes in place. Out of everyone, it just had to be him. 

In a panic, Emmi grabs the pills and runs out of the house. 

I am so sorry about the wait, I was meant to get it out sooner. 

Any suggestions?

New character unlocked 🔓

Thank you for reading ♥️

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