3. sunken boat

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"There probably isn't a name tag."


"Hey guys... I think there's a boat down there"

"Shut up." "No way" "what the hell are you talking about?" Everybody asked, confused. "No, it's real, there is a real boat down there!" Pope tries to get the others to believe. All the pogues look over the edge, to see that the boy wasn't lying. "Holy shit he's right let's go!" Kiara speaks. Everyone jumps off of the boat and began diving down to the shipwreck.

JJ gasps as he breaks the surface. "You guys saw that, right?" Everybody says yes and they starts swimming closer to the boat. "That's a Grady-White!" Emmi states. Sometimes is quite creepy how much she knows about boats. More than JJ. "New one of those is like 500 Gs, easy." JJ adds.

Once everybody is back on the boat, John b starts speaking. "That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge. Maybe it hit the jetty or something." "How did you have time to look at any boats?" Emmi questions. "We were too busy trying to stay above water." Elio adds.

"You surfed the surge? And you took the kids with you!?" Kiara almost shouts angrily. John b admits that he did, even though he feels kinda bad for putting the children at risk like that, but what is life without risk anyway? Just boring.

"That's my boy. Pogue style" JJ does his handshake with John b, and then turning to the twins who are sitting on the other side of the boat. "And you two" he says while pointing his finger at them. "Did you at least catch some waves?" Kiara slaps JJ's arm, she seems to be the only one who thinks that surfing the surge was a bad idea. "Of course we did! Who do you think we are?" Elio answers proudly. "Yea, but I managed to stay above the water more" Emmi announces, while smiling competitively to her twin. "That's not fair! You know you have a better board than me!" "It's not my fault that you picked such a shitty one!" "Okay!" Kiara says calming the argument down.

"Wait. Do we know whose boat that is?" Pope brings the topic back to the boat. "There probably isn't a name tag." Emmi smiles sarcastically at him. "No, but we are about to find out." john b pulls an anchor out. "Dude it's too deep." JJ tells him. "Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ." "Then you really shouldn't do that." Emmi tells her big brother, earning a light hit on her forearm. "Well, I'm not resuscitating you." JJ comments. "I'm sure Kiara would like to do that." Emmi whispers to Elio, who tries to cover his laugh with cough.

"John b" Kiara says, she isn't very fond of the plan. "What?" He answers while laughing and holding the anchor. "Diver down, fool" Pope says. "Yea he is!" JJ pushes him into the water.


"Should we go get him?" Pope asks, just then John b comes surface. "Oh, my god, that took forever!" Kiara says relieved. Emmi and Elio just smirk to each other. "Any dead bodies?" "Looting potential?" "No, no. I found this motel key." Everybody looks at him with questioning faces.


"Guys, we should report the wreck to the coast guard.Maybe we'll get a finder's free." Kiara suggests. "Yea, and not work all summer" JJ agrees. "That sounds like a heaven." Emmi and Elio dream.

I'm sorry about the shorter chapter today. I had trouble with my laptop.

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