10. bullets

216 5 2

"Well, that ain't money"


All the pogues on the boat look over the edge, hoping for any signs of John b.

"He's definitely out of air." Pope states.

"Don't be so pessimistic, he'll come up!" Elio exclaims, just as John b appears to the surface.

"There he is!" "Oh, god! Jesus Christ!" "I thought we had to come and get you!" "Don't scare us like that!"

"How'd it go down there?" JJ asks. John b swims closer to the ladders and takes the mask off.

"Did you find anything?" Emmi asks impatiently, moving to stand next to JJ and pulling Elio with her.

"Did I find anything?" John b throws a duffel bag on to the boat. Everybody cheers him and JJ pulls the socking wet bag further into the boat.

"You okay?" Elio asks worried. "yeah, I ran out of air." John b pants and climbs up to the boat. "You scared the shit out of me" Kiara exhalies. Elio gives Emmi a smirk, careful not to let anybody else see.

"The cops were here, but, uh, took care of them" Emmi says cockily. "My bad"

"hey, guys? Guys, bogey, two o'clock." Kiara warns. "What?" JJ asks.

Typically, Emmi looks immediately to the wrong direction. When her twin notices this, he turns her head towards to the other boat. She nods. "I knew that, I was just waiting for you to notice." She uses a bad excuse. Elio lets out a sigh.

"Do you recognize that boat?" Pope questions. "I've never seen it"

"What are they doing here? The mash is closed?" Elio wonders. "Probably the same thing we are." Emmi replies.

"I don't know, but let's not stick around to find out" JJ calls. "JJ get the bowline" John b commands and JJ does exactly that.

Elio moves slightly closer to Emmi, grabbing her hand.

"Should we wait on them?" Pope asks the most stupid question. "No! Why the hell would we wait for them?!" Emmi shouts and the boy shuts up.

John b starts the engine and begins driving to the opposite direction.

The pogues speed up, just to notice the other guys speeding up aswell. "Emmi what are we suppose to do?" Elio begins to panic. "Right now, nothing. We'll just stand here and wait for John b to drive us somewhere save. Just remember to breathe." Emmi tries to calm her brother down.

"Hey, guys. They're following us!" Kiara informs. "Yea no shit! Did you think they were just coming to ask what kind of a boat we have? Me neither!" Emmi yells, facepalming her face.

They drive deeper to the marsh, the other boat right on their heels.

Out of the blue they hear a gunshot and wind blowing just past them. Emmi tackles Elio to the floor of the boat, covering him. "John b get down!" They yell, seeing the boy still standing, trying to drive the boat.

Another shot was fired at them. Luckily, none of them was shot, at least not yet.

Third bullet flew past them. Everybody was on the floor, except John b of course. Pope was covering his ears, trying to block the sound out. Emmi held Elio's hands, hoping it would bring even little comfort.

"Shit! Pope, Move." Kiara orders as she gets up. "What are you doing?!" She tires to solve the fishing net, still standing as a bait for the men on the other boat.

Fourth shot. Just missing Kiara. "Get down, Kie!" John b yells over the wind. "What the fuck is she doing!" Elio whispers to Emmi, who just shrugs.

Fifth shot fired just as Kiara throws the net to the water to stop the chasers.

Just as sixth bullet flew the net tangled itself to the boat's propeller, stopping it.

Seventh and final shot fired and they were out of sight.

Emmi slowly rose from the floor, pulling Elio to sit. "Are you alright?" She whispered. "Just catching my breath" He responds. "Good"

The others were celebrating getting out of the previous situation, while the twins were calming down. The situation didn't really affect Emmi as much as it affected Elio.


They drove back to the dock. They got out of the boat to more cleared area.

John b got down on his knees and started opening the bag. Everybody was around him, eager to find out what was inside.

"What do you guys think it is?" Kiara asks, the eagerness in her voice clear as day. "Gotta be money, right?" John b and Emmi say at the exact same time, grinning at each other.

"Can we please just open the bag?" Pope shouts frustrated. Everybody shares a confused look, it wasn't common for Pope to shout like that.

"Wow, Pope. That's a rare outburst of emotion." John b states. "You guys are literally killing me with anticipation."

John b quickly opens the duffel bag, just to find a smaller bag. He opens that one and find some kind of a canister. Inside of that there is a compas.

John b holds it in his hand, showing it. "Well, that ain't money" Emmi sighs annoyed. "So, we risked our lives for that?" Elio points it. "Yep" Emmi whispers back.

"Good job everybody! We found a compass." Pope throws his hands in the air. JJ sees John b still looking at the compass and not moving. "Dude, what? It's not worth anything."

"This was my fathers"

Emmi lets out a dramatic gasp, putting her hand over her mouth. Elio scolds at her, he knew that John b's father was sensitive subject for him.

I'm so sorry this is horrible and so short, next chapter will be longer and better.

Thank you for reading ♥️

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