12. Early morning

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"Come on, curls"


"C'mon, wake up. I gotta go return the scuba gears." John b tries to wake up the twins.

"Five more minutes" Emmi mutters and turns on her side.

"Okay lets go" Elio gets up, goes to the other side of the bed and pulls Emmi to the floor.

"Hey!" She yelled and stood up, fast. Emmi was ready to throw Elio to the bed, but John b interrupted, "We have to go, so any of the Cameron's don't notice."

After many mumbles about how its stupid to get up this early and everything, coming from Emmi, they finally start the boat and began driving towards figure eight.

"Who's your favorite Cameron?" Emmi asks.

"Oh, gotta be Sarah." Elio answers. "But Wheezie is not that bad, I mean shes our age"

"Yea same" Emmi agrees. "But i don't like Rose. Whenever we walk anywhere near her she just gives us dirty looks all the time."

"Yes and usually we aren't even dirty, Kiara always makes sure we got clean clothes on" The boy says.

"But i don't like Ward" Emmi starts. "He's always going on about the fact that 'Kooks are better than Pogues', which is total bullshit. And he acts all high and mighty around everybody, but he really isn't"

"You know he's my boss?" John b finally joins the conversation.

"Oh, and he's dumb too. Hiring a boy like you"

"Fuck off" John b sighs.

"You'd like that, but it isn't gonna happen"

John b turns away from the girl, trying to hide his smile. They arrive to the Cameron's boat and John b ties HMS pogue to the platform and collects the scuba gears.

"Are you two going to help with these?" John b motions for the stuff he's trying miserably carry.

"Sure, sure" Emmi says and grabs her twin. "Come on, curls"

Now they all are carrying something and making their way inside the bigger boat, John b leading.

The older boy opens the door to inside, and freezes to the doorway.

He hears a thud from behind him. "Bitch, you don't just stop without any warning!" Judging by the sound, Emmi had walked straight to John b's back.

"Shh!" John b hisses back and continues walking carefully.

"Wheezie, shut up" Sarah, the Kook princess says, eyes closed lying on the couch.

"That's why you wanted me to keep quiet" Emmi whispers, earning a slight kick to the back of her knee from her brother. That made Emmi almost fall, and to drop the things she was carrying.

Sarah gasps, "God, you guys are not Wheezie"

"Good point" Elio says, and lowers the stuff he was holding.

"I'm sorry" John b tries to apologize, but is cut off by Sarah, "What are any of you doing?"

"Um... We're just dropping off some scuba gear" Emmi says hesitantly.

Sarah sits up and John b asks, "What are- what are you doing... here?"

Elio facepalms himself. That's the most stupidest thing to ask. Why would anybody be in a place with an air conditioning in this weather?

And just like Elio thought, that was exactly why Sarah was in this boat.

"Did you,um top up the tanks?"

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