5. Dumb and dumber

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"If one of them falls, it will be probably Emmi."


"Oh shit"

JJ, John b and Emmi walked into the dirty hotel room. There is two beds and a bathroom. Nothing interesting. Or that's what it looked like at the first sight.

"Check the bag. See if there's a name on there somewhere." John b instructed. JJ started looking at the table for anything interesting and Emmi walked ahead to look something that she could take with her. She doesn't really care about the guy who own's the boat. Cool shit was always more interesting. John b saw that neither of the sibling heard or cared what he said, he went over to the bag and started to go trough it.

"Look, this is a cool jacket!" JJ chirps happily, while Emmi walks over to him. "It's definitely over 50" She takes the jacket and puts it on her. It really is a cool jacket.

Both siblings move over to the nightstand, which is between the beds. There is many maps, but on top of them all is a post it note with coordinates. "Hey come look at this!" Emmi calls John b over. "Maybe this is where they were fishing" JJ suggests. "No, that's off the continental shelf." "What the hell does that mean?" Emmi interrupts John b. "I'll tell you on the boat." He answers before continuing. Elio would have told her right there and then if he would have been here. "That's Big Swell. Nobody fishes there." "why not?" She questions again. "They just don't, ok" John b answers.

Under the phone there is a another note, with a number code. John b looks at it and puts it back before walking away. "Coffee?" John b asks with a British accent. "Standard." JJ copies the accent. "Tissues for when you get lonely." Emmi continues with the accent.

JJ walks to the bathroom and gaps. "Did you find anything?" John b asks, not sure what answer he would like more. "A really awesome Dopp kit you won't let me steal." "Yea, 'cause we're not stealing shit." John b shoots back, already frustrated.

JJ takes it anyway and walks over to his sister. "Have you find anything?" He asks, already knowing the answer. Emmi nods and empties the pockets of her cool jacket, showing packet of gum, really cool shiny green pen and beautiful notebook for drawing. All for her twin. He pats her on the back and goes back to looking for something.


Back on the boat, Kiara and Pope are throwing questions back and forth. Elio is sitting at the other side of the boat, drawing something on his old notebook. He needed a new one, but didn't have the money to buy it. Of course, he could have asked Kiara to buy it for him, but he didn't like when people used their money for his needs. So, he convicted himself that he was doing just fine with the old one.

"Biggest pet peeve?" Pope asked. "Easy. Giving one percent to the environment." Pope looked confused. "What's wrong with that?" "We only have one earth, Pope. We should be giving it 100 percent, bare minimum."

Elio really loved the girl, really. She filled the mother part what he was missing. But sometimes, she would go little too far with the whole 'project the earth' thing. He thought it was really good thing to do, but there had to be something else to talk about. Of course he wouldn't never tell this to her, too afraid for abandonment.

"Hey, hey, cops." Pope whispered, and Elio was pulled from his thoughts. "What are we gonna do?" Elio asked. "Call them" Pope suggests, but the towers are down, so they had no choice but to exit the boat and start walking to the side of the hotel. "Maybe they're not going up." Elio held out hope. "No, look. They are pointing, they are going up!" Kiara panicked. Elio took the girls hand on his own hoping it would calm her down even just a little bit. It did.

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