7. not so lucky party

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 "then we can think of a masterplan to get out" 


The pogues were at the boneyard starting a kegger. They brought all the stuff they needed and begin starting it. 

John b and JJ were making the beer ready, Pope brought the red solo cups while everybody else was just hanging around. 

The boneyard was full of people drinking and having fun. Almost everybody was there. Kooks, pogues and the tourons. Maybe for one night every misunderstanding and fight would be forgotten. Maybe, just maybe. 

After a while, Kiara, John b , Emmi and Elio are all sitting on some fallen tree, when somebody catches Kie's eye. 

"What is she doing here?" She asks, seeing Sarah Cameron in her flower summer dress. The kook princess. Nobody else knew what happened between those two, and it was clear Kiara wasn't going to spill it. 

John b and the twins turn their heads to see Sarah sitting on a high red thing. John b was working on her dad's boat, so he has seen her around. And the twins, they had nothing against her. Surely she had done something to Kiara to make her hate her, but they didn't know what. She was really pretty, only bad thing about her was her boyfriend. Topper. He was annoying rich guy. 

Without anybody noticing, Kiara turned around and left somewhere else. 

Elio saw this and whispered to Emmi to come along as they went to find Kiara. Neither of them liked if somebody was mad or sad. They liked to cheer them up, and almost every time they succeeded. 

After a while, Emmi had already had couple of drinks, and Elio none. He didn't like to get drunk. He didn't want to be like his father, his worst fear. Elio already looked like him, he didn't need to also act like him. 


The night came fast and it was already dark. It was 11 pm, when Topper and Sarah decided to leave. Of course, they had to walk right where John b, JJ and Emmi was. John b wasn't that drunk, little bit, but not much. And Emmi and JJ, they were a little bit more. 

Emmi was the type drunk who will laugh at everything but fuck you up is you say one wrong word. 

Of course JJ had to open his mouth and start speaking. "Wait! Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" He asks, clearly sounding and looking drunk. Sarah declined, politely. "Come on, is it not fancy enough for you?" Emmi asks, slurring over her words. She didn't mean to be rude, it was just the alcohol. 

"No, we were just leaving" She once again declined. Emmi finally got the hint. She.did.not.want.the.drink. Unluckily, JJ didn't. 

"Hey, you know what? I'll take it." Topper started speaking. Emmi couldn't think of anything that sounded worse. So, she spoke again. She didn't want to be rude to the princess, but to Topper? Always. 

"That's nice, but we didn't ask you." "If you said pretty please, maybe, but you didn't." JJ continues. 

"Oh, pretty please?" Topper asks. "Isn't that what he jut said?" Emmi answers, already annoyed.

"But, Sarah, you can have it!" JJ still tries to give the drink to her. 

"She doesn't want it" Topper plashes the drink on JJ's face. Pretty dumb move. 

JJ tries to go at Topper, but John b holds him back, not allowing him to go. 

Emmi didn't know what to do. Maybe hold JJ back, beat Topper up or find Elio. She was just going to stand there not doing anything, until Topper yells, "Dirty pogues!" Before John b could do anything and she could even think, Emmi pushed Topper with all her strength sending him stumbling back. 

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