Chapter 3: Disturbed by the knock

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Beyoncé POV:

"Calm down mom I know you're excited about it. I can't make this happen any faster than they're already going. It's all edited now, Only thing left is photos. You know how it goes."

My anxious mother was barely able to contain her excitement. I had finally found the courage to tell her and dad. I wasn't expecting her reaction to be so excited. Especially since she only wanted me to be with the girls singing.

"I know baby. Your mama just wants to see you be great. I'm already so proud of your sister and you. My beautiful baby girls."

My mother and I stood from the couch and walked over the balcony taking a seat on the soft chairs we had placed out there.

After discussing for almost two hours about my album Michael finally made it home. I hadn't introduced him too my mother yet so this would have been a very interesting interaction.

He walked in slow trying to make out who was sitting next me. As he stepped through the patio doors he softly kissed my forehead.

My mother's facial expression completely changed to shock like she saw a ghost. "I-

Her words stuttering to come out. All I could do is laugh. "Mama this is Michael, Mike this is my mama Tina."

"Of course I know who he is Bey, are you two dating?"

Michael giggled seeing how shocked she was. "Yes ma'am. It's great to finally meet you Mrs.Tina."

"Darling call me mama T, that's what everyone calls me. I'm just surprised my daughter didn't tell me this." She stood from her seat patting my back softly. "Well i'll leave you two love birds. Just wait till your father hears this."

"Mama make sure he doesn't say anything to anybody please. Michael and I want to keep this private for a while. Please?"

"Of course baby girl, I know the trick to keeping his mouth closed." She stated biting her lip making me fake gag. Michael laughing at my dramatics. "Bye baby."

She walked out the door, closing it behind her and then Michael came up behind me hugging me from behind. His colleague hitting my nose making me smile and get goose bumps down my back.

"So I take it your day was good?" I asked while playing with one of his curls that fell on my shoulder.

"Even better now. How's your leg feeling after yesterday."

"You mean when you stretched my muscles to hard. It's just fine." I said turning around, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Michael then pulled me in and kissed my lips. Instantly sliding his tongue into my mouth wanting to explore more. "How's about you come keep my mouth closed too?" He questioned breaking the kiss.

I softly smacked his chest making a pouting face but as he began unbuttoning his shirt I smiled running over to the door locking it.

Once running back to Michael he was shirtless and standing with a mischievous look on his face. I wrapped my arms back around his neck but also pulling my self up and wrapping my legs around his waist.

"So you want your mouth closed all of a sudden?" I asked while Michael walked us into his bedroom and softly placing me on his mattress.

"Mhm yeah I do." Michael began to slid off of my shorts but before he could, making him roll his eyes and groan.

"It's fine i'll get it. I'll be right back." I said trying to cheer him up giving him a quick kiss.

I walked to the door and opened it revealing an excited Tiana. "Hello my love. We need to talk asap."

I opened the door wider and motioned for her to come in. "Of course what's wrong? Is something wrong with the album?"

"Only that your face isn't over it. We need to plan this photoshoot asap. Is now possible?"

I looked back at Mike and saw him on the phone so I excused myself and walked over to him. "Hey did we have any plans later? Tiana wants me to run down to the studio to have a photoshoot."

"No go ahead, my brothers are coming over for a little bit anyways. I hope everything goes well."

"Okay thank you baby!"

I quickly gave him and kiss then dashed out the door back to Tiana. She gave me the run down of everything that was going to happen and explained I didn't need to change since I would be changing when I got to the studio.

Once we arrived a team of stylist was ready to begin working on me. I had two girls doing my hair, one girl doing my makeup, and another fixing my nails.

After everyone had crafted their techniques and made me look completely different it was actually time to do the shoots.

I was now wearing a diamond beaded top with a few little diamond flowers, dark blue low rise jeans, and diamond earrings. They had fully curled my hair and painted my nails a beautiful light pink color.

"Okay girl let's get this show on the road. You'll just listen to the photographer and she'll tell you how to pose. The usual."

"Alright wish me luck!"

"Baby with boobs like that and an ass like that you don't need luck. Now go work some magic!"

I giggled but proceeded to walk over to the photographer where she instructed me to stand on the pice of tape. She obviously could notice my nerves so she started off the shoot nice and slow to get me comfortable.

After a few poses I started to feel myself. Tiana was of course right about me having perfect boobs and ass but I'm just not used to hearing it often.

"Alright babe last pose okay? I want you to place your hands on your back pockets and look over your left shoulder at me. Give me lots of sexy and once again don't let the wind machine distract you."

I quickly turned around and did as she said. Giving her all the sexiness I had in me. Normally wind machines bother people but I love them. It adds to my natural curls so I knew it was adding to my hair now.

"Alright my love I think your finished. Are there any other things you wanted to do right?"

"No thank you but you did do an awesome job tonight. I'm so excited to see them."
"You should have them back no later than Friday, i'll even say tomorrow depends on how tired my team is." She said making me me and her laugh.

I changed back into my normal clothes and said my goodbyes to everyone as Tiana and I left.

"So what's the next step?"

"Music videos but we have a few weeks before jumping onto those. You'll love your music partner. I heard he's single girl..."

As we pulled up to my apartment I softly nudged Tiana. "No need for him to be single I've already found me someone. Goodnight Tiana."

I stepped out of her vehicle trying to escape that awkward moment. She doesn't know about Michael, but still her trying to set me up is crazy.

I couldnt stoop thinking about the next feels days and weeks. My album is going to get published, then hopefully everyone will love it. My mama always did say I had a good voice. Now we have to see if it's good enough to be solo. Wish me luck.

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