Chapter 27: Very Interesting

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Beyoncés POV:

The next few days I woke up feeling kinda of different. I would look over to my hand still taken back by the pretty rock that sat on my finger.

Once Michael and I returned back home, things started to hit me. I would marry Michael at some point. That I would actually be his wife. The ring he gave me wasn't just a promise ring or a special gift, it was an engagement ring.

Oh the ring. It was the perfect fit. It was my ideal dream ring. It was the ring I always kept in my head for that special day, the day I would be in this exact position, the day I became engaged.

I felt different, like new beginnings were coming. I never liked change but maybe this was the type of change I could get used to.

I was sitting at the small tables I had in my apartment, looking over the balcony. I could hear Michael's voice faintly in the other room.

My mind was racing with a million things at once. Like when would we start wedding preparations and what would the wedding would even look like, or what I was getting myself into.

I took a sip of my tea then felt cold hands rub my shoulders. "Good morning future wife."

"Good morning Michael."

"What's wrong dear?"

I sat quietly trying not to give myself away. I shook my head answering his question. I quickly glanced back to my finger then turned my hand upside down so I couldn't see it.

"Now I see, it's the engagement. Did I do something wrong? I was picking up signs that you wanted to get marry sooner than later."

"Oh Mike trust me I do. I just didn't expect it that's all. I always knew this day would come but once it happened everything went for a loop. I don't want us to rush anything and mess up."

He came over and sat down in front of me. I looked over to him and saw him with a slight smile. "Baby I'm beyond scared. I don't want to do anything wrong with our relationship. I'm not saying we go get married today or tomorrow, we can wait for years."

"Years?" I questioned knowing what his reply would be.

"Okay maybe not years but you get the point. Don't think a little ring is supposed to mean we have to get married in the next few weeks. Take your time baby, we have crazy ass lives so a wedding is on the back burner for us. We're both about to publish our albums meaning we're going to be busy for the months and maybe even a year. So a wedding doesn't have to happen anytime soon."

"Mike you always know what to say when I feel down. That's all I needed to hear you say. I was nervous because big events are about to happen and I didn't want us to rush anything."

I gave Michael a reassuring smile then we walked into the living room and laid onto the couch. He flipped on the tv and began scrolling to find something on tv. By the time he found something and the movie had started I was already falling asleep.

Two weeks later...

I rolled over onto my side to see if Mike was still in bed. He wasn't but I could hear him in the bathroom.

Today we were inviting our family and friends over to announce our engagement. I felt it was best to get it over with so we can make it clear that we wouldn't be planning the wedding until after the release of our albums.

While Michael was in the shower I took this time to figure out what we were going to wear.

After some deep deliberating I decided I would wear a navy blue dress with a pair of sandals, then Mike would wear a navy with button down shirt with his usual slacks and loafers.

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