Chapter 5: Crazy in Love

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Beyoncé POV:

I was now finally on the set for the music video of my favorite song, Crazy in Love. Tiana really was excited for this video. She couldn't stop talking about how the video was going to be perfect.

I was walking tears Tiana who was talking when I heard my name being called. I quickly turned around and noticed a tall dark skin standing behind me.

"You must Beyoncé? Wassup i'm Jay-Z."

"Oh hello, it's lovely to meet you." I smiled trying to be awkward but the silence and very loud. "How long have you been in the profession?"

"Oh to be honest not that long."

"That's good then. Are you excited-" I began to ask before being cut off by the director.

Luckily I didn't have to film with Jay-Z until a little later. Ever since earlier I had been sensing a very strange feeling. Not just from him but from everyone.

I was dressed in a white tank top, blue jean shorts, and red heels. I personally thought my normal curly would look good but Tiana insisted on straight/wavy hair, depending on the scene.

The first few hours were tolerable but soon I became more agitated. I didn't even had a good reason to be so frustrated but for some weird reason I didn't want to film anymore.

Enough so that I told- almost demanded Tiana to let me leave at 9:30 or I would just walk out. She knew something was seriously wrong, but thankfully she didn't push it.

We now in crunch time to finish before I would be leaving. Logistically it would take way longer than a day to film but everyone was determined to get this finished as soon as possible.

We were over a quarter percent finished but still a long way to go. I was still feeling uneasy about this whole situation but I couldn't figure out what it was.

After what seemed like forever we were finally finished for the day. While changing my clothes I heard a knock on the door. I told whoever was at the door to come in.

"Hey girl is everything okay?" Tiana asked while closing the door behind her.

I nodded. "I'm just ready to get home as quickly as possible. Today's been a weird day."

"Well before you get home maybe you could have a drink or maybe dinner?"

"We can reschedule for another day T. I'm really tired."

"It wasn't with me silly. It was with Jay-Z, he's cute isn't he?"

I rolled my eyes and proceeded slid on my shoes. "He's okay."

"Like I was saying a few weeks ago, he's single. You should try to connect with him maybe."

"No thank you, I have much better things to entertain."

"Oh come on girl, he doesn't have any kids which means no baby mama drama, he's polite, and he's loaded. If singing didn't get you as far as you wanted then he could."

My straight face soon turned into confusion and disgust. That's were the uncomfortable
feeling came from. "Ok just stop right now. I've been feeling so weird lately but I now see your the one causing those feelings. You've been pushing him onto me, even though I clearly didn't want him. So stop running your mouth before you run your self into a deep hole. I've made it very clear I don't want him, i'm in a happy relationship and I'm not leaving him. So stop trying to be a damn match maker!"

I then stormed out carrying my bag. I could feel the smiles steaming out of my ears and head from my level of anger. I haven't been this upset in what seemed like forever. I was scanning through the parking deck until It I saw Julius.

I quickly hopped into the car and asked him to drive me straight home. The whole car ride the only thing I could think about is if I was being silly about snapping on Tiana, was I though?

After arriving to the apartment I looked around and didn't find Michael anywhere. He was now in crunch mode himself with his next album.

I changed into a tank top with some comfy socks and snuggled on the couch. I turned on the tv and found something for me to watch. I also grabbed me some snacks to eat while watching the tv.

Before I could get into the movie good enough I was already falling asleep.

Michael's POV:

It had been a very slow night of recording but most of the hard stuff is over. The secret I had for Bey was going to good. Her reaction would be even better knowing her.

I quietly opened the front door trying not to be loud, knowing Bey she was already asleep. I walked through the kitchen glancing over to the living room seeing her out cold.

I changed quickly then went back to her, picking her up as soft as I could.

She wrapped her arms around my neck  mumbling something I couldn't understand her. Once I made it to the bed I laid her back down softly and rolled in next to her.

"Goodnight my love." I whispered pushing a few strands of hair out her face. Continuing to rub her temples then her cheering. Slowly focusing on every beautiful feature before I dozed off just like her.

Before I knew it I was being hit with a strong smell of breakfast foods. I looked over to see Bee was gone so I stood from the bed and did my morning ritual before going to find her whereabouts.

I saw her standing in front of the stove cooking what seemed to be pancakes so I took this opportunity to sneak up behind her.

"Morning my love." I stayed while wrapping my arms around her waist.

She giggled and laid a hand on my cheek then quickly kissing it. "Morning, i'm just about finished. I made all your favorites."

"Well thank you but what's are this for. You leaving me?"

"God no baby. I need you too much. You're my lover remember? But yesterday wasn't the best day ever so I needed something to get my mind off somethings."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Let me finish this then of course."

I began helping her, which she insisted I don't do but who am I to listen. As she flipped the last pancake, I scrambled the eggs and then fixed our plates. We sat down at our table and began eating before the silence was broken.

"So what's wrong?" I asked softly.

She took a deep breath then sighed "I'm probably overthinking and overreacting but yesterday took a turn for the worst. Tiana has been so pushy about my co-feature, Jay-Z. Never have I seen her trying to set me up with someone like this. She wouldn't stand down. Kept asking for us to go to dinner, so I finally snapped and left set."

"Did you tell her about us? If so I'm completely fine with it of course."

"Kind of, I basically stated how I had someone and I wasn't leaving him anytime soon."

"That's good. Maybe she'll finally get the picture."

"Mike what if she's upset I snapped. I felt really rude."

I took another deep breath and laid my hand on hers. "Baby... something you'll have to learn about this business is how people function. They're going to run you insane if you allow them too. So no you didn't over snap or however you worded the phrase."

"Are you sure baby? I felt so mean to her."

I wiped my mouth and rose from the table with her following behind me. I placed my dishes in the sink then so did she. I then took the opportunity to bring her into an embrace. Giving a nice tight squeeze then a soft kiss.

"I promise you did the right thing. You put your foot down about our relationship. Now she can't try to corner you into a situation you don't want to be in."

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