Chapter 17: Angel Children

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Beyoncés POV:

I felt rejuvenated being back with Mike. I couldn't wait to get back to him but for now I had to go back on tour. Almost two months had passed since Mike and I's big reunion. We worked out a schedule for us to follow so we could spend as much time together as possible.

I was finishing up charity advent for the children of Africa when suddenly long loss Tiana suddenly appeared.

"Ahh Beyoncé, my darling, where have you been? It's been forever my love."

"Staying away from you, I told Matthew to do all the translating between us for now until I say so."

"My lovely friend, why's that?" She asked with a sarcastic tone.

"Because you ruined my life, you had Michael believing I would do all those terrible things." Suddenly her minion Jay came from behind her. "Oh and you, don't expect us to ever work together outside of this album we're completely finished. I can't believe you would ever try to ruin someone's life like that. You both knew how happy I was, then you came and ruined it."

"We gave you an option, and that was go on a friendly date with my friend Jay here. The offer still stands by the way honey."

"Please get out of my face Tiana. I
do have the offer that still stands, your fired. I've been working with a team of investigators that will prove you set me up, lied, and now you blacklisted. No one will touch you. And for you Mr.Jay-Z, I can't do anything to you other than wish you nothing but sorrow. You ruined my life for the last year and a half. I could have been who knows where but instead i'm here. I hate you, if I could get rid of you I would."

"B what do you mean I'm fired? You can't do that, do you want to lose this lawsuit?"

"We will not be having one, i'm finished with all of your crazy nonsense. All the proof has been handed into the correct people and there's nothing you can do. Your finished my love."

With that I walked away and interacted with a few children who were about to leave the center. I took picture, gave autographs, and sang to any child that wanted to hear me sing. I see why Mike loved being with the children of the world, they brightened my day so much.

Once I finished the event and all the children I was left to return back to my suite. I had a concert later tonight so I need to begin to prepare my mind.

Before long Michael was calling me. He was completely across the globe meaning as he went to bed, I was getting up.

"Hello?" I question wait to hear his voice reply.

"Hello my love, how are you doing today?"

I smiled at his raspy voice. "Entertaining to say the least. How was your day?"

"It was packed. Two charity events and then the show. I felt like it was terrible, they kept making mistakes. Mistakes that should be avoided."

"From my view you guys did fantastic but I also see what you're saying. I haven't had a dancer mess up quite yet but I feel it coming. My problems with maintenance. The lights, never on point. Music, never on que. It's all a lot to deal with, but as long as the fans are happy."

"How was your event today? First big one out of the country, sorry I couldn't be there to support you."

"It went great for the most part. I sang to the kids, we danced, and took a lots of pictures. It was better than I imagined, they loved me so much Michael."

"You have that effect on people a lot. Sorry to back track but why did you say for the most part?"

"Well Tiana and her puppy dog Jay-Z showed up. Didn't even apologize for making my life a living hell. They tried to say how the offer to go on a single date still stands and then I finally snapped. I instantly fired her, right there in the spot. I finally have all the evidence I needed to keep her for trying to sue me for breaking our contract. Me and her are done."

"Then that's great. The end of that toxic era. Once and for all. I can't believe she's still trying to get you to go on a date with him. She's a pathetic excuse of a manager."

"Yeah I know, it's the curse of Tiana. I loved having her at the beginning but hey maybe it's for the better it turned out like this." I heard a knock on my door and knew what time it was. "Hey Mike it's time for me to leave. Last concert in Africa then we'll only be left with the Texas finale."

"Go work that stage my princess. I'll be there and spirit and over here watching. I love you."

"I love you too Mikey." I made a corny kissy nose then hung up and placed it down.

I then went to packed up my belongings for tonight. I grabbed my purse, phone, and blanket in hand, and walked out the door and down to the car.

After what seemed like the longest half hour , due to traffic and fans jumping into the roads and getting in the way, we finally arrived.

I was whisked off to hair and makeup just like our normal routine. First we did hair then makeup. I changed into my first outfit of the night, a shiny glittery dress with stripes cut out along the waist and towards the end.

I was now in my dressing room alone doing a few vocal exercises when I heard a knock on my door, to my surprise it was my sister and my tiny nephew.

"Hey sissy, come in please. Let me see that little fat man." I almost shouted but quickly changed to a whisper.

"Hey Bey, how's it going girl?" My sister asked while placing him in my arms then sitting down.

"Good girl, very good. How've you been? How's life treating you ever since this little angel came along."

"Better than I imagine. He's finally sleeping through the night, no more crying. He's back on track with eating, and he's been as happy as ever."

It had been a few months since I had seen Solange. Ever since she had Daniel, she had her hands full. Plus with me always being gone it was hard for me to stop and see them.

Her sweet angel song, Daniel, was the light in my children filled heart. Danny brought all the baby fever you could ever imagine but I'm satisfied with only having him for now.

He's the cutest angel you could have ever seen. His skin was soft and perfect, light but still had a hint of warmth. His eyes were a mixture of blue and gray. His hair was perfectly curly. Each strand curling into a perfect coil.

I swayed with him back and forth fourth for almost thirty minutes. His small fingers wrapping around mine. I wanted to stay like this forever but I knew I was going to be called on stage soon.

"Here you go sis, I'll go ahead and head out so they don't bother you guys." I softly handed her Danny back into her arms. "I should be gone for a hour or two. There's food and drinks in the corner, and the tv broadcasts the whole show. Wish my luck, love you."

I blew her a kiss then walked out the door. I see Tiny, our Latina travel stage manager. I asked her to make sure no one bothers them in my dressing room. She nodded then left a note saying do not disturb.

I was now five minutes away from starting the show. All the lights were down and everyone was getting into their places. I was standing in the center saying my quick prayer before also jumping into my spot. I lifted my head and gave a thumbs up to the crew on the side.

I was lifted in the air with the help of a couple dancers then the music started and the lights flicked on. The crowd began chanting and screaming once we began the concert.

That feeling I always get at the beginning of the performances never change. The butterflies that fly around keeping me on my toes, making me feel all warm inside. A feeling I could never forget.

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