Chaptet 12: Starting Over

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Beyoncé's POV:

I woke up hoping the events that occurred yesterday was all a bad dream but I was wrong.

I looked around the room hoping to see Michael somewhere, anywhere. But I didn't. He hadn't came home yet. I wasn't even sure he would come back.

I pandered around the house trying to keep busy but just then I heard the door open and my eyes turned over to a tired Mike.

I walked over to him attempting to hug him before he pushed me back softly. My face became even more confused but then I remembered he was still upset. The smell of alcohol hitting my nose instantly making me frown.

"Michael stop acting like this. I promised you I wouldn't do anything like this. Why can't you believe me?"

"Because i've heard those same words once before. You say it's all in my head when it's not, you make yourself look good when you're actually the bad guy."

"Michael we both know that's not me whatsoever. I love you to much to go and hurt you like this. I'm the person who promised to never hurt you, why can't you believe me?"

"I've been hurt before, I can't just believe you. When you've been hurt so badly you won't know who to believe. That's why you have to leave."

"Ok i'll go but when I get back we're talking this out okay?"

"No you have to move out. Now please."

"What are you saying Michael? What am I supposed to do now? Start back over?"

"I don't know what to tell you, you just have to leave my house."

Hearing and seeing him show no remorse what brought the tears back. They began pouring down my face. "Michael please stop doing this. We can work this out, you just have to believe me."

"Beyoncé please stop making this harder for me. Just leave and we won't have to deal with all these emotions."

Seeing how he felt made me come to my senses. I pushed past him, walking into the closet and packing the quickest bag I could.

I grabbed everything I could store into my large LV Duffle bag. The rest of the clothes I would send Julius and the others to come pick up.

I picked up my bag and walked toward the door before stopping. "You know what Michael, you're such a one-way thinking man. You wouldn't even let me explain, you just jumped to conclusions. But when the truth comes out , don't come running back apologizing. I'm finished with you, you proved yourself to me. Karma is a bitch, and it will bite you in your selfish ass MJ. I hate you Michael, I swear I do now.

But even though I can't stand to look at you can you make me a promise. Don't move on from us until you truly ready. Don't get married, or go have kids. Give it some time before moving on. Don't let what we had go so quickly. Please get do that for me."

Then I stormed out of there and down to the car where Julius waited. He knew something was wrong so he didn't ask any questions. He drove me straight home, the only place I would want to be right now.

The whole car ride the only thing I could do is cry. I didn't mean to be so mean towards Michael, but he just made me so angry. We had been together for no less than a year, and he didn't believe me.

I couldn't believe he would ever act like that. You think you know a person until they show their true colors.

Once he parked he grabbed the bag and I hurried inside. Busting open the doors and rushing towards my mother who was sitting on the couch.

I piled into her arms and let everything out. I couldn't explain what was wrong and she picked up on it very quickly.

So she did what all mothers do, rocked her baby to sleep. I laid across her snuffling until my snuffles turned into snores.

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