Chapter 26: Forever

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*I highly suggest listening to this song as you read!

Beyoncés POV:

Today was the last day of the trip, meaning my time with Mike was coming to an end. I would have to go back to sharing him with the studio, social events, and typical Hollywood drama.

He gave me my surprise, it was a lovely diamond necklace, engraved with a beautiful message on the chain:

May my heart always be yours
-Your Michael

It was a passionate message he always reminded me of. No matter what I would always be his girl, and his heart will be given to me.

Since today was the last day he planned a romantic evening just for the two of us. He set up a hair and nail appointment, and instructed me to stay busy during the day.

The time was now five o'clock and I was sitting down at the vanity in the suite. I had decided to do my own makeup since I brought it along with us.

I did my makeup and something told me to try something new so instead of my simple look I added some sparkle.

In my shower earlier I had throughly washed my hair, so while it was damp I styled it.

I changed into my dress, a white dress with green and blue flowers. It was lined with ruffles with loops as details. I paired it with a pair of beige heels and a pearly glitter clutch. 

 I picked up my clutch and made my way towards the entrance of the suite

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I picked up my clutch and made my way towards the entrance of the suite. Michael was now siting on the bar stool. I tapped his shoulder and as he turned around his mouth dropped.

"You always give me those expressions. I don't know it that's good or bad Michael." Michael stood from his chair and laid his hand on my waistline.

"You look absolutely positively stunning. Words can't describe how beautiful you look." Michael dipped his head down to mine and laid a kiss on my lips. Butterflies were forming in my stomach "Shall we get going?"

"Of course baby." I replied.

Michael stuck his arm out for me to grab. I
switched the clutch towards the other hand
and intertwined my arm with his.

We walked out the suite and made it to the table on the beach. It was the same layout as before but this time it was much brighter and more open.

A little time had passed and we were eating our food. Before the food did arrive Mike and I had a few small conversation but once the food came out we both were quiet.

"You are so easy to please." Michael pandered on about seeing how hungry I was.

"You're talking about me look at you. I have never seen anyone devour a turkey burger like you can. Maybe that's just one of the reason I love you."

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