Chapter 24: Boat Ride

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Beyoncés POV:

It was only day 4 of the trip and Michael was already trying to kill me. We were busy everyday, from morning to night. Trust me I loved being away, but his adventures side was showing.

Today we were going on a boat ride through the neighboring islands. I was wearing a red bikini with a green cover up, and Michael had on a matching swim trunks.

As we walked hand in hand down to the boat ramp, Michael cleared his voice the. began to talk.

"Are you excited?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

He grinned then stopped walking. "If I said I had another surprise then would you be mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"You'll tell me to stop giving you surprises but this one is a great one!"

"Okay then what is it?"

"You'll have to see." With that we began walking up ramp.

While he stopped to talk to the captain, I walked around to the deck and made myself comfy.

After a while I started to wonder where Mike had disappeared to. I opened my eyes and sat up as I heard footsteps approaching. I looked over and saw my mother, sister, and nephew.

I jumped out of my chair and ran over to them. Taking my nephew in my arms instantly.

"Well damn girl, we're standing right here."

"I'm sorry but I just missed his little face." I began kissing on DJs cheeks.

I walked them to the rest of the chairs and they took a seat. While they settled down I was still absorbing my nephews love.

When I looked up I noticed my mama and sister staring at me. I gave them a look of question then they backed down and shrugged.

"What's wrong?"

My mother laid back and smiled. "Nothing at all baby. Just never seen you so attached to the baby."

"What do you mean? I'm always happy to see DJ."

"Well sis.." My sister interrupted. "You are a little more attached than normal. We're not saying you never love on him, but it seems a little extra today."

"Well I needed something to distract my mind for while and lucky you guys showed up- wait how did you guys show up."

"Michael invited us."

"Speaking of Michael, where in the world is he?"

"He was talking to some young boy, probably your age."

I figured it was one the boat workers or a friend of his, with Michael who knows. I went back to playing with DJ. Everything time I did something he would smile and giggle.

A hour or two went by and my mother and sister were still trying to pick at my brain and see what was wrong.

"Okay fine, i'm just confused with Michael and whatever he has going on. Ever since we got here he's been giving me gifts, surprises, and acting really weird. I don't know what he's up to but it's starting to worry me."

"Don't worry baby, he's just trying to spoil you. Giving seems like his love language, so maybe just go with the flow. With your father he would do this huge romantic gestures just for one tiny thing, maybe Michaels the same. Maybe he wants to tell you something or ask you something but he wants to do it correctly."

"Yeah mamas right, when I was pregnant Daniel would do the same thing. He would give gift after gift just because he wanted me to feel good, then turns out he asked me to marry him. Well kinda of, except it wasn't technically a will you marry me. You know what I honestly forgot the sorry but you get the point."

"What she's trying to say is, give him some time. Let him spoil you for a little then see where he's going with this."

"Okay mama whatever you say. It's just weird, I keep thinking he just wants to be nice but then he goes off and disappears. It's like he's here but not here."

"Trust me baby, give him time. He's just trying to find the right words."

"I know mama." I reached to give the baby a kiss once again but this time I was stopped by an odd smell. "Someone could use a change, Solange can you hand me his bag please."

She nodded then handed it to me. I took the baby to the upstairs bathroom and proceeded to change him.

"Oh my goodness you just made a little mess DJ. I'm sorry I didn't notice it quicker. What do you think about Uncle Mike? Is he hiding something?"

The baby smiled and continued to squirm as I wiped his bottom. Once I finished I changed him into his little swim suit.

"Yeah I don't think so either. I have a great idea, I'm going to send you on a mission. I want you to figure out what's wrong with him. Sounds like a deal little man?"

He smiled once more then I lifted him into my arms and we made our way back to the others. I heard chatter going on as I rounded the corner and I saw Michael back.

As I approached them Michael turned his head and smiled at me. I leaned over and gave him a kiss the sat back down with the baby.

Some time passed and I was honestly getting pretty bored. I loved looking at all the sights but a girl's boredom can only go on for so long.

"Hey Mike, I was wondering if you could watch the baby as Mama and Solange come with me. I wanted to do some light shopping."

"Of course I will. I've been dying to have some time with this little guy." Michael leaned over and softly ticked the baby making him giggle.

I looked to my mother who nodded then my sister and she nodded quickly. I smiled then hand DJ to Michael. His "daddy" instinct, as so many call them, kicked in instantly.

"Michael if you need us at any time call us." I said giving a serious look.

"Sis, he has like a hundred siblings, no offense." My sister said glancing over to Michael replied with no taken. "He had this in the bag, now come on before mama says no."

I looked back to Mike who was giving me a look telling me to live. I don't know why I was "worried". I really wasn't but I had to  and like I was nervous.

It should have been my sister being nervous but she couldn't say yes quick enough. She needed me time asap. This was the perfect time for me to get some steam out and same for her.

"Okay bye baby. I'll see you later, love you." I leaned down and gave Michael a kiss then one to the baby.

The girls and I walked to the suite first for me to grab my purse then proceeded to walk around the plazas.

After a little time of walking around our feet began hurting and our stomachs were growling. We stopped by a cute little cafe to us ordered some food.

The waiter walked away from the tables once we all placed our orders. In a few minutes they were rushing back out to give us our drinks.

"Okay now that I have you two alone, what is Michael planning? You know I hate secrets."

"Beyoncé didn't I tell you to let it go? I promise you that poor man isn't hiding anything, I promise he isn't planning against you, and I promise he loves you with all of his heart. If he didn't he wouldn't fly your family out on your twos special vacation. If he didn't he wouldn't be spending time with your nephew while you go spend time with your mama and sister.

So baby please take a deep breath and trust me. That man is in love with you, he would risk his life for you. So believe him and trust him. Listen to you mama okay?"

I took a deep breath then closed my eyes. I kept them close long enough for me to look back over the last few months. How Mikes been my best friend, my rock, and my love. When I opened my eyes back up and felt this relief come over me, the relief of trust.

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