Chapter 16: I just Cant Stop Loving You

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Michaels POV:

"This thing can't go wrong. I can't live my life without you."

Ive heard that voice before. It wasn't my usual performer. I turned around and saw her. My love.

I could hear clicking and when the lights came back on an I saw her. Beyoncé was standing on the left side of the stage looking deep into my eyes. She looked so beautiful, I kept feeling like I was back in a dream.

"I just can't hold on." I sang as I continued to stare at her.

She slowly walked towards me. Placing her soft hand on my cheek."I feel we belong."

"My life ain't worth living, If I can't be with you."

We both began singing together. "I just can't stop loving you. I just can't stop loving you. And if I stop... then tell me just what will I do" Her voice faded out as I took the lead again.

"Cause I just can't stop loving you."

"At night when the stars shine, I pray in you i'll find a love so true." Bee walked to the right side of stage as I walked to the left.

"When morning awakes me, will you come and take me. I'll wait for you."

"You know how I feel. I won't stop until I hear your voice saying 'I Do'." I looked over to Bee who was staring at me. Her beautiful eyes glistened in the light.

"I Do... This thing can't go wrong"

"This feelings so strong."

"Well, My life ain't worth living."

We both began singing together again.

"If I can't be with you. I just can't stop loving you. I just can't stop loving you. And if I stop... then tell me just what will I do"

"I just can't stop loving you." The lights shut off and when they came back on Beyoncé was gone. I lowered my head. "I just can't stop loving you."

Maybe it all was a dream. I was running myself mad missing her. It was time I reached out, I need my baby back.

The show was finally over so I thanked everyone and wished them all a great night. I wondered off to my dressing room so I wouldn't be bothered.

I opened the door and was met by her. This time it was real. I ran up to her and actually hugged her.


"In the flesh baby."

I rubbed her cheek just to make sure she was actually here. "Are you really here? Is it really you my love?"

She nodded and pulled my hand down giving it a soft kiss. Then she wrapped her soft warm arms around my neck and gave me a kiss. The kiss that proved she was with me.

"Yes Mikey. I'm here with you and i'm not leaving. I'm sorry Michael. I shoul-"

"No baby, it was me not you. It'll take me a while to prove that I was blind and stupid. But please just know that I am so sorry, and I'll spend the rest of my life making up to you. I promise."

"Do you remember what I said? I'll be there, no matter what."

She kissed me again, this time with much more passion. It felt like sparks were forming around us. Our chemistry instantly bonding back together once we touched.

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