Chapter 7: Paradise Island

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Beyoncés POV:

Last night was a night to remember, but now I was back home waiting on Michael. He told me if would be coming back soon but didn't give me a set date.

I was scrolling through a few tv channels when I heard a knock on the door. I stood an walked over to it then opened it not seeing anyone but a bouquet of my favorite flowers. I picked them up and brought them into the house placing them on the kitchen counter.

I saw a white envelope sitting on top so I picked it up and read it.

"Good morning my love, I'm sorry I haven't returned from the long journey. Congratulations on your very deserved awards. To celebrate your victory, I have cleared your schedule for a mystery adventure. Wayne and Julius is going to take you to your first stop. Be ready at 12:00. Don't pack light."

I had to keep reading the note because I couldn't believe what Mike was up to. Nevertheless I hurried to pack then leave the house nice and locked up.

I handed my bags to Wayne and Julius who insisted it's their responsibility. I caved in since they weren't necessarily wrong. I hopped into the car and made myself comfy as they began drive who knows where.

I slid the headphones over my ears and listened to a mix of songs. But like how I normally am I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Once I woke up we were at the back of the airport next to a huge plane. I stepped out the plane and waved at the kind flight attendants welcoming me.

I was then handed another one of Michael's mysterious letters. This one stated:

"Welcome to your first stop of the adventure. Take a seat and enjoy your flight. Yes this is all necessary, and yes it'll all make sense in due time. Take another nap, because I know you well enough to know you already slept in the car, sip some champagne, and enjoy the mystery."

Now I was definitely confused and questioning what Michael was up to. But like he said I enjoyed myself and attempted to get Wayne and Julius to spill but they were glued tight.

Once I finally noticed they wouldn't budge I changed my focus to my fill in books sitting across from me. I picked one up and a pencil a went to town filling in all the missing words.

In the time from when I began working until we landed I feel into yet another deep sleep. This time when I woke up my expression dropped seeing where we were now. A huge sign across the way stating: Welcome to Turks & Caicos.

We were escorted off the plane and to our rental car. This time instead of Wayne or Julius driving it was Bill.

I was still completely clueless on what was happening. Then right as we parked in a resort parking lot Bill handed me another note. This one stating:

"Welcome to paradise my love. Enjoy your time. There's a surprise waiting on you in your room so you better hurry to get it.

I did just Michael stated, rushing to the front desk and picking up my card. I was standing on the elevator on the way to the room when I chose to interrogate the security once again.

"So you guys don't know what's going on at all? Julius don't lie to me." I questioned with a fake stern tone.

"No ma'am, we're just as confused as you ma'am. I'm sorry we don't have the answers you would like."

"No no it's fine, who knows what Michaels up to. Wayne your used to him but I have a long way to go." We all began laughing then a bell rung indicating we were at our stop.

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