Chapter 9: I Love You

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Beyoncés POV:

"Michael can we stay here forever?" I asked tightening my hold around Michael. Tonight was our last night here, and it's very hard for me to say goodbye now.

"Well what if I say I had another surprise? Last one, for our last night" Michael sated rubbing my inner thigh.

I excitedly nodded my head and kissed Michael's cheek. "Now this should be interesting. Should I dress up fancy?"

"You know what, fuck it. Dress all up, go all out." Michael added with his mischievous eyes.

I giggled and him then walked to our bedroom to look for something, hell anything, to wear. Once I could find something to wear I hurried to get dressed and meet Michael who was standing in the entrance way waiting. He looked to good to be true. He had on a dark purple button up under his classic all black jacket and black jeans. His curls forming perfectly around his face. His glasses hiding those eyes I love to stare into, but still contrasting with his sexy smile. All I could do is stare at him, he looked so delicious, I could get eat him up. Which I probably would be doing later anyways.

Michael's POV:

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Michael's POV:

I could feel her staring all around me but all I could help do was stare back. She had on the most beautiful black bodycon dress that stopped just above her knee, and a slit accentuating her beautiful legs.

She had puffed her beautiful curly hair into an afro, adding a few curly pieces down to frame her face. Her makeup looked so natural but still amazing. And her smile looked eye catching just like always.

"You ready to go sexy mamas?" I asked biting my lip and wrapping my arms around her.

"Of course sexy man." She replied giving me a kiss.

I grabbed hold of her hand and we traveled down to the car willer the security was waiting patiently. We greeted them and I gave them the signal look and they began to drive us to a rented out restaurant just for us for the night.

The drive wasn't far, practically walking distance. We both exited the car and walked into the restaurant quickly being greeted by a kind young lady who seemed very excited and nervous.

Since we were the only customers, she took  our orders quickly and brought our drinks before leaving.

The music they were playing was classical jazz which was very soothing.But I had a plan to end all of this.

"Mike, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, what's wrong?"

I smiled. "Nothings wrong I promise, but how did you come up with all of this. I know you're very romantic but this just seems like heaven."

"Well I didn't come up with all of this on my own. I cheating with mother and she told me about this one romantic gesture Jospeh did for her, right before they got married. I know they didn't go all out like this, but this was my way of saying I love you."

He did it, he finally said it. The three words I had been hanging on to saying. Now was the best time to do so. I didn't know whether to cry or jump of the table and give him the lovins in the world. Hard choice.

"Oh Michael I didn't need all this for you to say you loved me. All I would have wanted was a simple kiss and a 'I love you'.

"Well that wasn't what I wanted to give you. I wanted you to have the full experience, you know something to tell our kids one day."

I was almost chocked hearing Michael bringing up children. I felt sort of awkward but I didn't want to leave him hanging. "I see, and they'll love to hear it I bet."

We continued to talk about his big romantic gesture until our food was passed out to us. I was nose deep in my side of cheesy and thick macaroni when I heard Michael clear his throat. I looked up and noticed him staring down at me. 

This went on until I finished my dinner and so did he. I wiped off my mouth and placed my hands on my lap staring at Michael.

"Okay go ahead, I know you've been dying to say something." I said making Michael quickly shuffle around.

He pulled something out of his pocket and placed it in my hand. I questioned what it was then he playfully rolled his eyes and picked up the device. He then placed it back down but his back covered his movements so I didn't know what he put it in.

Soon a song began to play softly. Sounds of an African voice. A beat then entered, Michaels voice following soon.

"Liberian girl." Michael sang very sexy.

I continued to listen, picking up subtle hints Michael was interpreting. I didn't want to assume he was mentioning me, but as a girl that's all I could assume.

The song had such soothing lyrics and an amazing tone. His voice really turns me on, but that's not the point.

Once the music faded out Michael gave me a look asking what I thought.

"It was amazing. What inspired you to write it?" I asked trying not to be obvious.

"You. After your dedicated a song to me, I felt it was right for me to do the same. I was writing this for a while but then you began writing your song, so I had no other choice but to wait. I really wanted to surprise you months ago but I didn't want you to think I stole your idea."

"Oh Mike of course you didn't steal my idea. For you to think I would feel any type of way is crazy my love."

"I didn't want to make it too obvious that I was describing you but I truly don't care. You're all I care about."

Just then I began thinking something, an idea that could either be completely crazy or very smart. "Mike I may have an idea."

"What is it?"

"I want to do something crazy, I want to tell the world about us. Our true fans deserve to see us happy together. Pardon my language, but fuck what any tabloid has to say."

"Are you sure about this baby? Once we do it there's no coming back from it."

"Yeah baby, let's do the interview."

"I'm all for it. When do you want to get this done?"

"As soon as we get back to the states. This will be a relief off both of our backs. I'm starting to think they're figuring it out. I think we deserve this more than anybody. All we have to do is say we're dating then call it a day. No more, no less." I gave Michael look and he nodded to my idea.

We finished listening to the songs he had been working on, then he payed the kind restaurant and left. We made our way back to the hotel and told the security goodnight.

Michael pulled the key card out his pocket as we approached the suite. He opened the door and allowed me to go through first, him following behind me.

"Michael can I say one more thing?" He nodded. "I really appreciate all this. I don't know how to repay you."

"You don't have to repay me. You being the love of my life is more than enough for me. I couldn't ask for more. You simply are just it for me."

Michael picked me up and twirled around. "But since we're talking about paying things back. How about you come show the rests of your tricks up your sleeve?"

I giggled and separated from his hold to walk to the bedroom. " If that's what you want."

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