Chapter 4: Family Time

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Beyoncé POV:

By the time I made it to the apartment I could hear Michael's brother still over. I pulled my key out and unlocked the door. Quickly being met by Michael hugging me and kissing me.

"Well hello to you too. I wasn't gone that long."

"I know I missed that beautiful face of yours though."

I rolled my eyes and placed my stuff down on the counter. Soon after adjusting myself I looked up and noticed a group of boys staring at me. I completely disregarded his brothers still being here.

"Oh hello." I said quickly blushing from embarrassment.

"Wassup." A harmony rang across the living room. Michael then walked me over to introduce me.

"Brothers this is my girlfriend Beyoncé, Bey these are my idiotic brothers. Jermaine, Randy, Marlon, Tito, and Jackie."

I smiled going to shake all their hands but instead they just hugged me. "It's so nice to finally meet you. Michael tells me so much about you guys."

"He tell you how sexy we are?" Jermaine said while licking his lips.

I gave him an obvious no facial expression. "Well no but does tell me how crazy yall are. Especially you Randy. Summer of '78?"

"Damnit Mike you gotta stop telling people, that it was an accident." Randy almost yelled while going to smack Michael but missed.

"Well do you guys want to stay for dinner? Wait Michael what are we eating?"

"I know what I'm eating and no they can't stay. So i'll see you guys next week?"

My face dropped from not only shock but almost embarrassment. I covered my face with my hands while laughing at the same time.

"Let's roll before they start fuckin like some damn dogs." Tito stated leading the boys to the door.

I said my goodbyes and wished them a safe travel back home and once the door closed I gave Mike a pinch on his arm.


"Was I wrong?" Michael asked while picking me and pushing my legs around his waist.

"Maybe... i'm kidding I've been dying to finish what we started!"

Just as I said that Michael b-lined to his bedroom and placed me back down softly on his bed. Almost all the lights were out and he leaning over top of me staring down at me.

"Are you sure? No pain right?"

"Oh god Michael come on." I pleaded while beginning to take off his shirt then he did mine.

One thing led to another and we were both naked staring at each other once again. He began kissing me from my mouth, to my neck, then my breast and stomach, and finally ending right above my precious flower. I giggled watching him staring up and me with those mischievous eyes.

"Close the door now. I need you all to myself tonight."

And with that Michael pushed the door closed with his foot and the rest of the night was history.

We kept making love to each other, over and over again. When one person started to get tired then the other stepped up, then other way around. It had been what seemed like forever since we're formed as one like that again. It was gladly needed. The way Michael knew how to control every inch of my body still blew my mind. With every kiss to every stroke he knew how I needed him.

Once morning rose I sat up softly on Michael's chest playing with his curls. He had the best sleeping face I have ever seen. He looked so peaceful. I just wanted to kiss on him forever and ever.

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