Chapter 28: Get Out

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*Warning: The following chapter contains a series of sexual scenes. Views discretion is advised*

Beyoncé POV:

"Baby girl you have to hear me out. I left because I didn't have another choice." My father mouthed as he started me down.

"Daddy i'm not a little girl anymore, you don't have to constantly lie to me. So just admit you didn't want to be a present father anymore. You didn't want to take care of your responsibilities."

"I had a lot going on, your mother was fully capable of taking care of y'all. She knew what she was doing."

"Just because she knew what she was doing or was capable didn't mean she didn't need help. She was a single mother for how many years? She was miserable all those years, from having to constantly take us from city to city, to still trying to raise us with everything we ever needed. She was fucking miserable!"

"She knew what she signed up for, she was the one who told me to leave. She told me to get out and never come back until I was ready. I didn't want to leave but she told me to leave you girls."

I rolled my eyes and threw my hands in the air. "Bullshit you bastard. You were a grown ass man who made his own damn decisions so don't blame this on me."

"Beyoncé I don't think you understand-"

"Get the hell out!"

"Hey I'm not going anywhere I have a right to be here."

I was about to yell even more before Mike  stepped out in front of me. "No you don't so like my fiancé said, get the hell out. Before I get my security to come take out the trash."

"Back down Michael, I didn't mean to be rude. But I'll leave as you wish."

I crossed my arms and stood back as Michael walked him to the door. I stayed back and took a seat and tried to gather my thoughts.

I had been gone for what seemed like a hour trying to figure out my emotions. I hated being in these potions because my feelings are confuse my actions.

On the day he left I felt broken inside. I felt like I would never find the piece of me he took when he left.

I learned how to mask the pain and emptiness that was down in my heart. But I didn't expect to release them once he came back.

I finally felt strong enough to go back to the party but hopefully the party was now just a few people. I walked up the stairs and like I guessed most people were gone. Only my mother and his were lingering around, they helping us clean.

I stepped through the glass door and everyone met eyes with me. Mike instantly walked over to me and brought me into a tight embrace.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked while giving me a soft kiss on the forehead.

"I'm fine now. I've had my time alone and I know what my next steps are."

I smiled before giving him a kiss then I walked to my mother. "So since I can't stand daddy anymore you going to be my translator. I don't want at my wedding, and nothing will change my mind until he owns up for what he did to us.

I don't care how far this wedding is, I still don't want him to be there until he changes. I deserve better than to hear his constant lies. So he has two options: the first one is that he has to own up for what the hell he did then maybe I will reconsider, the second option is if he continues to lie then he's out of our lives. Mine, Michael, and any future children we may have. Is that clear?"

"Don't get mad at me baby, I'm just the messenger remember?" My mother replied breaking the tension with her humor.

I brought her in and gave her a hug. Once I let go I wished everyone a good night and safe travels then excused myself from the room.

In any time of panic or anxiety I slush to shower. I hated the feeling of sitting in the anxiety filled air and wanted to be as clean as possible.

I turned on the shower then gave it some time to heat up. In the mean time I removed my clothes and once I was finished the water was ready.

I stepped into the shower and all my thoughts began to escape from my mind. I felt relieved in just a matter of minutes. I tuned out any chatter in the background.

I ran my head under the water and as each stream of water flowed down my hair I felt more relaxed.

I was expecting my shower to be longer than usual but I heard a knock on the door then Michael appeared.

"Everyone's gone and they all wished you well over the next few days. Now that we're alone are you sure you're okay?"

He stepped out of his clothes and into the shower with me. "Mike I promise i'm fine. I honestly was just caught off guard and I didn't expect him-"

I was cut off by Michael bring me in and kissing me. His tongue asked for permission to enter my mouth and I allowed it too. He explored my mouth and while he was doing that I was backing up onto the wall.

He lifted me around his waist and positioned me on the wall. I flowed my hands through his now wet hair. He slowly drifted from my mouth to my neck giving me wet kisses that lead to hickeys.

I was on edge from his rough suck on my chest then he lowered down to my breast. He played with my nipple then went back to sucking each of the equally.

After his numerous hickeys, that now covered my chest, Mike slowly inserted his thick member into my vagina. He slowly pulled my back onto him and as I went back so did my head.

I was pushed against the wall and as he pumped me onto him I began to moan. My soft moans turned into pleasurable screams.

Having his thick penis in my flower healed the rest of my pain. He continued to pump me onto him then he picked the pace. From a slow speed to a rapid rate that would make me cum quicker than I imagined.

"Not yet baby, hold on for me."

Once he said those words I buried my head into him neck. The quicker the pace the more I held onto his back, leaving visible scratches and red spots.

He came to an end and placed me back down on the ground. He instructed me to bend over and I did so. He slowly inserted himself in me once again but this time once he was fully in me he began ramming into me.


"Come on baby, almost done."

I could feel my walls holding on tight to himself penis. As he stroked into me  I continued to moan his name.

He picked up his pace once more but this time the sounds of him colliding with my ass filled the air. I was on the edge from releasing all over Michaels penis.

"Let go now baby." He mouth and before he could finish his sentence I was already releasing my juices over him, him joining in with me.

After we finished cleaning each other off we rushed out of the shower. I changed into my pajamas then Michael into his. We met back in our bedroom and began cuddling up to get warm.

"Are you sure you're okay now?" Michael asked me while glancing down at me.

I looked back up and gave him a slight smile. "I promise. I was fine before I went into the shower but I just wanted to clear my head even more. Then after what just happened all my thoughts of him are gone."

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