Money Problems

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(Robyn's POV)

 I opened my closet and the Dokis went bananas. 

 "That skirt looks amazing!" Natsuki gushed.

 "That dress is beautiful," Yuri complimented.

 I moved everything I did not want ripped to the side. "Pick and choose from that selection," I told them. "Tomorrow I can take you shopping since I don't have classes."

 While they did that, I went to find my brother. "Yes! It still works!" he cheered. 

 "What still works?" I asked.

 "My computer," he replied happily.

 I leaned over his shoulder. "I never got to ask. Why are there game characters rifling through my wardrobe?" 

 "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." 

 "Try me," I dared.

 "I had the DDLC character files open and my computer got shocked by lightening," Caleb answered.

 I gazed at the open window. "If I did not have physical evidence, I would say you're lying."

 "Robyn. Can I have these shoes?" Natsuki poked her head around the doorway. She held up my white sneakers. 

 "I'd rather you don't," I frowned. "I've managed to keep them clean for two years. It would suck it they got dirty now." 

 The pink-haired girl ran back out.

 "Where are we going to get the money for their stuff? We barely have enough for this house and my classes," I said.

 "We could enter the lottery," Caleb offered. 

 "We never win though," I said.

 He shrugged. "If you have any ideas, I'm listening." 

 I bit my lip. "I could always cancel my classes-" 

 "No. You wanted those classes really bad. I won't let you give them up for some stupid clothes," he cut me off.

 He stood up from his chair. "We'll find the money somehow. In the meantime, you should check on them. I'll get dinner started." He walked out of the room and bumped into Yuri.

 "We heard everything," Monika said. 

 "We didn't mean to eavesdrop," Yuri said. "It just sort of happened."

 "So you'll be fine wearing my stuff then?" I put my hands behind my back and crossed my fingers. 

 "Yeah," Monika replied. I breathed a sigh of relief. 

 "See? I told you it would be fine," my brother grinned.

 "How does everyone feel about having tacos for dinner?" Caleb then added. "We have a few kits we need to use up." 

 Everyone voiced their agreement. Monika went one step further. 

 "I'll help you," she said.

 I wondered if they were in a relationship already. That would be right, my younger brother finds someone before me. I'm three years older!

 They left for the kitchen. 

 "Did you girls pick out some clothes?" I asked the remaining Dokis.

(Caleb's POV)

 I took the box from the cupboard and tore it open. "I'll do the meat. You can do the salad toppings," I told Monika.

 "Okay!" she answered cheerfully.

 I cooked the mince in a pot while Monika cut some lettuce. In no time at all, we had some tacos ready to fill and eat. Robyn had the other Dokis prepare the table and we took a seat each.

 "This looks delicious!" Sayori said happily. 

 "Heh, thanks. But I'm no world class chef," I said humbly. 

 We made our tacos and ate our dinner. We struck up some delightful conversation about what we did to make ends meet.

 "I work as an assistant in a computer store. I help my boss repair broken PC's," I said between bites. 

 "That must be hard," Yuri remarked. 

 "Not really," I shrugged. "Sure, I get the odd one that has some weird virus on it, or the GPU is really jammed in there, but it's pretty easy otherwise."

 "And what do you do?" Natsuki asked my sister. 

 "I make music. It's not great, but I think it is good," Robyn replied. 

 "What instrument do you play?" Monika asked. She was learning piano, she would naturally be interested. 

 "I mostly use a DAW, which is a computer program that you can use to create music without instruments. But I am practicing guitar," Robyn said.

 "You should play for us sometime," Sayori said. 

 Robyn smiled coyly. "Maybe."

 We finished our dinner and went out to the living room. 

 "Can we watch a movie? We've never gotten to watch a real one before," Natsuki said, giving Monika a side-eye glance. 

 "Sure," I said. "Come to the living room and pick one out." 

 We sat down on our couch and waited for the Dokis to chose a film. Except for Sayori, she was staring out the front window.

 "If you're broke, how do you have a car?" she asked. 

 "That was a Christmas gift from our uncle. He said we needed a car to get to my work and Robyn's classes," I answered.

 Monika held up a DVD proudly. It was Happy Gilmore. 

 "A classic. Good choice," Robyn said. I put it in our player and we huddled up for a great time.

 Afterwards, we got some sleep. The Dokis slept on our couches in the living room.

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