An Angry Dragon Helps

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(Monika's POV)

 "Come out with your hands up!" the police chief ordered through a megaphone. 

 The CEO of Avram Technologies walked out. "What's this about, officers?" he asked innocently. 

 "You are under arrest for assaulting and torturing a women," the chief said. He began to read off his rights, but Avram simply chuckled darkly. 

 "I don't think you want to do that," Avram grinned. He snapped his fingers and game villains galore burst from the building. Ganondorf, Sephiroth, even Vaas from Far Cry. 

 "I've been busy collecting allies. You stand no chance," Mark laughed. 

 "We have allies too!" Natsuki shot back. 

 "Where are they, then?" Avram taunted.

 Natsuki spotted Dedede walking along the sidewalk. "Hey, you! Help us!" 

 Dedede came to our aid. "I thought you said we had to defeat Mark. Who are these goons?" the penguin king queried. 

 "No time to explain. Get ready for a fight," I said, raising my fists. 

 Dedede raised his hammer. "Dees, we attack them until they submit or are dededestroyed! CHARGE!" The battle began.

 The self-proclaimed king smashed his mallet into Dr. Eggman's face. I threw a punch at Senator Armstrong... and recoiled in pain. Those nanomachines really do work! 

 "There's too many of them!" one cop cried. He then screamed as Gruntilda cast evil magic at him.

 I barely dodged out of the way of Armstrong's punch and ran... straight into General Shepherd. He whipped out a pistol. 

 "Monika, look out!" Caleb yelled. Was he stupid? I could see he was about to shoot me.

 I ducked anyway and felt a blade brush past my back. I looked up and saw Agent 47 accidentally stab Shepherd. It wasn't lethal, so Shepherd went to torment someone else.

 The Hitman turned around and pulled out a roll of newspaper. He smacked me in the jaw and I collapsed to the ground.

 "It's no use! They're too strong!" Robyn exclaimed. 

 No, it couldn't end like this! Suddenly, like our guardian angel, Tiki had arrived. A loud roar rang out across the battlefield that was this carpark. Everyone on both sides froze and gazed into the sky.

 "MARK AVRAM! YOU ARE DEAD!" she roared. 

 Our dragon friend shot some fireballs from her mouth. The villains were scattered as the carpark burned in flames. Mark pulled out a pistol and shot at Tiki. She wasn't fazed in the slightest as the bullets bounced off her tough scales. She probably thought he was shooting rubber bullets.

 She smacked him and he flew across the parking lot, scraping across the road when he landed. The cops rushed him, but he revealed his ultimate weapon. 

 "You'll never beat me! I can't lose!" He aimed the ray gun at the sky and fired. Tiki barely avoided the beam that pierced the heavens. Mark was laughing like crazy. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I'M UNSTOPPABLE!" All it took was a simple punch from Caleb and he fell over.

 The device smoked and wreathed on the ground. Finally, with one last burst, it sent one last beam of light at the Avram Technologies building. One minute the parking lot was clear, the next it was filled with game characters, heroes and villains alike, spewing out from the building and joining us outside. 

 Mark himself was burnt to a crisp by Tiki's direct fireball. Tiki laid on the ground and switched forms. 

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