Reality is Broken

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(Caleb's POV)

 I was staring at my computer screen. Staring back at me was Monika, sitting in all her glory in the Eternal Classroom. 

 I had completed the game before, but I could not come to terms with Monika's 'Ending'. There had to be a better ending for her than deleting her, surely? I had searched online for and solutions, but to my dismay there was no Monika Ending. 

 It was probably because you were supposed to hate her for what she did to her friends. She did awful things, I'm not denying that, but I think she deserves mercy.

 All of a sudden, a pink text box appeared on screen. It read, 'Check the game files.' 

 Shocked by this development, I decided to do what Monika said. At least, I'm assuming it's Monika.

 Upon entering the files, I noticed a new document called, 'Hello." 

 I opened it and inside it was a note that read, 'Thank you for taking the time to be with me, even if you could easily be doing something else. Okay, now that's out of the way, on to the real message. I found out how to speak to you! Like, properly. Not just through pink textboxes. So we can chat with each other for real! It won't just be the script talking to you. Just leave a .txt file in this folder and I'll be able to read it! Okay, I'm rambling now so I'll leave you be, my love.'

 I decided to leave a little message for Monika. 'I'm glad we can finally talk together. I just wish it could be in person.' 

 'Perhaps that could become real,' Monika said back.

 'How?' I wrote. 

 Suddenly, my power went out. My computer screen went black and the lights in my room went out. 


 Then a message appeared on my still black monitor. "It seems Doki Doki Literature Club did not shut properly because the game files were open. Would you like to close it?" I tentatively clicked no.

 The monitor's screen became bright white and I had to shield my eyes or go blind. I felt something fall into me and we fell to the floor. I was gasping for air as whatever had landed on me had forced all of the air out of my lungs. I tried to push it off, but it seemed to be resisting. It also felt fleshy.

 I looked down to see exactly what was on me and I couldn't believe my eyes. Laying on my body was Monika, who was looking up at me with her emerald eyes. 

 "Hello, my love. I'm so glad we finally got to meet in person," she said with the biggest grin on her face.

 Suddenly, she was yanked off of me and onto the floor by a certain pink-haired tsundere. 

 "Monika, stop harrassing the poor guy! We need him to tell us where we are, 'cause this clearly isn't the classroom."

 I stood up shakily. I put a hand on my desk to support myself as I got my breath back. I glanced up from the floor to see the four Dokis standing in my room.

 This can't be real, there's no way this is real. I stared at the four girls. Nope, this is absolutely real. The four DDLC girls are standing in my room.

 Yuri spoke first. "Where exactly are we?" 

 "You are in my house," I replied. 

 "And where, exactly, is this house?" Natsuki followed up. 

 "Uhh, that's a little harder to explain," I said sheepishly.

 "Surely it can't be that hard," Sayori commented as she walked over to my window and pulled the curtains open.

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