A Terrible Fate

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(Trigger warning: depictions of torture.)

(Caleb's POV)

 I entered the interrogation room. It was pitch-black. 

 "Is there a light switch here?" I said out loud.

 "Next to the door," a familiar voice said.

 "MC?" I realised.

 "Yeah, it's me," he said.

 I found the light switch and flipped it. The first thing I saw was MC and Monika tied to chairs.

 "Monika!" I rushed to her side. 

 "Oh, yeah, just forget about me," MC said sarcastically. 

 "Hey, don't say that. You're likeable," I teased. 

 Monika giggled. "Not loveable?"

 Our little reunion was interrupted by King Dedede entering the room. 

 "What are you doing?!" he exclaimed. 

 "Untying Monika," I said. "Can you leave me be so I can finish?" 

 "Not gonna happen!" Dedede claimed.

 He raised his hammer and I prepared for a fight. Neither Monika nor MC were free, so this was all me. Hey, that rhymed.

(Tiki's POV)

 The door wasn't budging. I was running out of options. The neurotoxin was getting to me, I couldn't think straight.

 In one final act of desperation, I shoulder charged the door. It buckled a little. I grinned. I shoulder barged it over and over again until it burst open. I quickly shut them again to prevent any of the gas from escaping, then I collapsed to the ground. Fresh air never felt so good to breathe!

 My dragonstone must have rolled from my pocket, because I saw it a few meters from me. I reached for it, but a boot stamped down on it. I tilted my head up. Mark Avram's evil smile greeted me. 

 "I see you survived the neurotoxin. Let's see how long you last under my torture." He pocketed the stone and picked me up.

 I offered no resistance due to being so weak. He sat me down in his office and placed the dragonstone on his desk. 

 He took some kind of weapon from behind his desk. "Do you know what this is?" he asked.

 I shook my head weakly. "...No." 

 "This is a baseball bat. It's normally used for playing a ball game, but I'm going to use it to inflict pain," he told me with an evil grin.

 I bit my lip. I wouldn't flinch. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of screaming.

 He smashed it into my leg. Pain shot up my leg. Even my muffled scream rang around the room. I was positive that was broken. I felt tears run down my cheeks. 

 "Not gonna scream? Maybe this will encourage you!" He broke my other leg for good measure. 

 I wanted to cry out in pain so badly, but I refused to let him win.

 One of his men walked in. "Sir, Dedede has switched sides." 

 Mark growled. "I knew he would turn on us at some point. I should've picked a true villain instead of someone who constantly changes sides. Come on, let's deal with him." 

 They left to deal with our new ally.

 With them gone, I finally let out a sob. I had a thought that surprised me. What would Marth do? Not Robin, or Chrom, but Marth. He would try to get the hell out of here.

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