Home Invasion

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(Tiki's POV)

 In the morning I was awoken by people bustling around. I cracked open my sleepy eyes and saw everyone running around frantically. 

 "Monika, have you seen my cap?" 

 "Robyn, where's my toothbrush?" 

 "I want breakfast." Sayori said that last one.

 Yuri was sitting calmly on the couch opposite me. 

 "Why is everyone panicking?" I asked her. 

 "Oh, this happens almost every morning." Yuri didn't even seem fazed. "Robyn has her music classes and the others have work. It will just be you, me and Caleb home today." 

 "Huh. I thought they were going shopping," I comment. 

 "They are afterwards. They'll be home late," Yuri answered.

 Satisfied with her answer, I laid my head back down. 

 "Not an early riser?" Yuri asked. 

 "No. I never have been and I never will be," I replied.

 "Alright, in the car everyone!" Robyn ordered. The girls rushed out the door, slamming it shut behind them. Yuri locked it and resumed reading her book. 

 "Why are you up so early if you don't have work?" I inquired. 

 "I'm an early bird. I like reading before people get up," Yuri said. That makes sense. I would do the same if I was that type of person.

 I tried falling back asleep, but my dreams evaded me. 

 "I hate it when I can't sleep when I'm tired." I rubbed my eyes. 

 "It is a terrible feeling," Yuri agreed. 

 I swung my legs over the side of the couch and let them reach the floor.

 "I'm going to ask Caleb for breakfast. If I can't sleep then I might as well get on with the day," I said. I went put my knee-high boots on, but Yuri stopped me. 

 "Just leave them by the front door. There's no need to wear shoes around the house," she said. 

 She had a point. I did as she suggested and went to Caleb's room.

 He was laying in bed using his mobile phone. I thought that invention was fascinating. 

 "Hey, Tiki. Can I help you?" he asked.

 "Can you make me breakfast? I don't know what most of your food is," I said. 

 "Sure. Come with me to the kitchen," Caleb replied. 

 When we got there, Caleb took out a box from his cupboard.

 "I don't suppose you've had cereal before?" he inquired.

 "I can't say I have," I responded. 

 He smiled and poured what seemed to be grains into a bowl. He then added milk and put a spoon in. He passed it to me. 

 "This is a more grainy cereal. It's supposed to be full of fibre," he told me.

 I hesitantly scooped up a clump of cereal and ate it. I brightened up instantly. "This is delicious!" I proclaimed. 

 "In that case, I'll make myself some too." Caleb poured himself a bowl. 

 I devoured my cereal in seconds. I placed my bowl in the sink to be washed later.

 "You have to let me try other foods," I pleaded. 

 Caleb smiled. "I'll do pancakes for lunch. I guarantee you'll like them. In the meantime, why don't you try the shower out? Do you remember how to use it?" 

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