His Royal Nemesis

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(MC's POV)

 "If they come in here, they could ambush..." My scheming was interrupted by Mark Avram stomping into the room. Oh boy, here we go again.

 "Those imbeciles can't do anything right! They just failed to kidnap two girls. That purple-haired yandere and some dragon girl. At least, that's what they reported," he announced to the room. 

 Some dragon girl? Guess the prototype was a success after all.

 "And we still haven't found the thief who stole my prototype. Well, fortunately for us, we made another one." Avram presented a more refined version of the device. "And I'm about to use it. Bring in the TV!"

 One of his minions wheeled in a television. On its screen was King Dedede. Specifically the one from Forgotten Land, the more beastly-looking one. 

 "I'm about to bring His Royal Nemesis to life! Stand back, everyone!" Mark declared. 

 He fired the beam of light at the game. A few seconds later, a certain penguin was standing in the room. He came with a squad of Waddle Dees, which I found interesting.

 Dedede instantly began speaking. "I don't know who you lot are, but if you don't explain right now I'll clobbah ya!" He raised his mallet into the air threateningly. He had a slight accent, I noticed.

 Mark clapped his hands together and said, "Of course we shall. You are in my company's headquarters. I summoned you to help me with my plan." 

 Dedede narrowed his eyes. "What plan?" 

 "My plan to take over the world," Mark said simply.

 "I don't really want to. What's in it for me?" Dedede asked.

 Mark had a trick up his sleeve. "I'll give you all the food you could ever want." Dedede was successfully bought over. 

 "Okay, I'll help ya. Ya here that, Dees?" Dedede turned to his minions.

 "Copy," they all replied. 

 "If you don't mind, the Dees and I will make ourselves at home," Dedede said. 

 "Go right ahead. Tell me when you're ready for your first mission," Mark replied. 

 "Roger that, chief! Come on, lads, let's raid the fridge!" Dedede marched out with his platoon of Waddle Dees.

 Avram laughed menacingly. "It worked! Soon, I'll be unstoppable with my army, and we will take over the world! HAHAHAHA!" 

 He was insane! I had to report this development to Caleb and the others pronto.

 On the way out, I saw Mark ever-so-carefully place the new device in his desk drawer. 

 "Where are you going, MC? We have unfinished business," Mark said.

 "What do you mean?" I asked, trying to remain casual. "I thought I could go out today." 

 "You are mistaken. You can go out tomorrow. Today, I need to run more experiments now that Dedede is here." Mark got to work preparing some tests.

 I shoved my hands in my pockets like I was bored. Inside, I was full of fear. If Dedede wreaks havoc today, Caleb and the others won't be ready.

(Dedede's POV)

 "I need you to attack this café. I think it is the meeting place of that wretched boy and the informant," Avram was telling me. 

 I glanced at the name. "Emperor's Coffee, eh? I may be no emperor, but I'll show them who the true king is!" 

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