Dragon Mode: Engage!

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(Tiki's POV)

 I landed outside the massive building and changed back to my human form. We entered through the door, which was unlocked, and wandered around until we found a map.

 "The interrogation and research rooms seem the most likely possibilities," Caleb deduced. 

 "I'll take the research room," I offered. 

 "Are you sure you want to split up?" 

 "It won't be for long. The interrogation room isn't far from here," I noted.

 He was unsure. "Okay, but don't do anything stupid." 

 "I'll be fine. Go," I said.

 We ran off in separate directions.

 On the last turn before I reached the doorway I bumped into two guards. They stared down at me, for I am quite short. 

 "Well, lookie here. We have ourselves a doll," one of them smiled evilly.

 I've heard Inigo use that word to describe women. If they were interested in me, maybe I could use that to my advantage.

 "Will you please let me past? I have to get somewhere quickly." I tried to look sweet and innocent. 

 "Sure, if you give us a kiss," the second guy said. 

 They puckered their lips. I was disgusted by them, but it gave me the perfect opportunity to smash their skulls together. They fell to the ground with their lights knocked out. 

 "Sorry, I only date people who don't beg for kisses," I said coldly as I walked over them.

 I swung open the door to the research room. Everyone turned their heads. My eyes laid on a certain someone who's face I had only seen in pictures. 

 "MARK AVRAM!" I yelled. 

 He smiled casually. "Well, if it isn't the Divine Dragon herself. Come to pay me a visit?" 

 I stomped towards him. "I will kill you for what you're doing to these characters!"

 I didn't bother with the stone this time. I let all of the hate flow through my veins as I became a dragon. I roared and everyone fled the room, except for Avram.

 I picked him up in my mouth and threw him against a wall. He recovered quickly and dived for a drawer. He yanked it open and I swatted him away with my claws. Inside the drawer was a replica of the device that brought me to this world. 

 I gazed at Mark. "Still fighting, huh?" 

 "Killing me is like swatting a fly. I'm impossible to kill!" He dashed for the drawer again.

 He evaded my attacks and snatched the device. He fired it at a computer screen and ran for the door. I shot a fireball from my mouth, but he escaped just in time. 

 I turned my attention to the computer.

 It let out a bright flash. When my vision returned, I saw a giant contraption hanging from the ceiling. A glowing yellow dot observed me.

 "Hello. I am GLaDOS. Might I ask who you are?" she said in a very monotone voice. 

 GLaDOS? Didn't ring a bell, but I barely knew any other characters. 

 "I'm Tiki, the Divine Dragon," I introduced myself.

 "I hadn't expected you to talk. I'll have to put that on your record after I kill you," GLaDOS remarked.

 I laughed. "Kill me? You're stuck to the ceiling." 

 "I have other methods of killing."

 A green cloud of fumes filled the room. "Prepare to die while I laugh over your dead body," GLaDOS said.

 "What is it?" I spluttered. 

 "Do you seriously not know what it is? Oh, you naive little dragon. This is neurotoxin. It will destroy your brain in minutes," GLaDOS laughed.

 I had enough of her. I slashed her with my claws and she fell off the roof, seemingly dead. 

 I changed back to a human to fit through the door. I tried the handle, only to discover it was locked. 

 "Let me out!" I shouted. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?" 

 I kept trying the door. It had to budge eventually. I couldn't die here, not when I had to defeat Avram. 

 I kept pounding on the door, holding out for someone to help me. 

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