Citizenship and Relationship Questions

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(Robyn's POV)

 "Ooo, some violin here might sound good." I added the instrument. 

 When I got into my zone, I really got into it. So much so that I didn't notice the girls were in the room until Monika tapped my shoulder.

 "Yeah?" I asked, placing my headphones on my desk. 

 "Could you help us register as American citizens?" Monika inquired.

 I wasn't sure I heard that right. "What?" 

 "Could you help us register as American citizens?" she repeated. 

 I heard that right. 

 "I want to know why you want to do that," I counter-questioned.

 Yuri, the calm one as usual, answered for Monika. "We want to get jobs to help you with your financial needs. We need to be citizens of this country to do that." 

 I was touched by their want to help. 

 "Sure. Let me just close down my music," I agreed.

 I saved my project and opened the search engine. "Looks like you have to enter everything about yourself. Gender, hair colour, eye colour, height, current occupation." I listed off the requirements. "You also have to have lived here for a certain number of years and answer a history quiz about the country." 

 "I don't think we can do the last one. We're screwed," Natsuki remarked. 

 "I can help you with that, even though I'm not supposed to," I brushed off her concern. "As for the years, we'll have to fake it. Fortunately, everything is online these days so they won't suspect a thing." 

 We went through the same process four times, once for each girl.

 "Okay, so they have to approve everything, which could take weeks, but then you should be certified American citizens," I told them. 

 "Yay! I can't wait to be a citizen!" Sayori fist-pumped the air. We laughed.

 "I'm going to say this now so you know in advance," I said. "I need to pick Caleb up from work later. Do you think you can behave while I'm gone?" 

 "Yes," Yuri replied.

 Monika had a different idea. "Can I come with you?" 

 "Why?" I raised my eyebrows.

 "I just want to see Caleb." 

 "Is he your boyfriend or something?" I teased her. 

 She blushed. "Maybe." 

 I rolled my eyes. "Fine, you can come." 

 Monika grinned.

 A little while later, we hopped in the car. On the way there I had a chat with Monika.

 "I want to lay down some rules regarding your relationship," I began. I saw Monika stiffen. "Well, there's only one, actually," I told her. "If you dare hurt my brother in any way, shape or form, I will kill you myself. Do I make myself clear?" 

 Monika nodded quickly. 

 "Now with that out of the way, what made you fall for him?" I smiled to ease her nerves. She was clearly still on edge.

 "Because he was the only one who understood my pain. The pain of being stuck in a game was getting too much to bear," Monika admitted. "But he stared right back at me and I felt a connection."

 I was puzzled about something. "Hasn't your game been sold millions of times? What about those Monikas who were never more than a script? What made you sentient, so to speak?" 

 She gazed out the window. "I honestly don't know. I think your brother was messing around with the game files and suddenly I found I could communicate through text documents." 

 "Huh. That's interesting," I remarked.

 I pulled into the parking lot. "He's got a couple of minutes before he finishes," I informed Monika. 

 I leaned back and tapped my fingers on the steering wheel. Monika set her gaze on the building exit, waiting for Caleb to walk out. She did not look away the whole time we were waiting.

 He exited and headed for us. He pulled open the passenger door and saw Monika sitting there. 

 "Hey, love," she greeted. Caleb almost fainted. Instead, he kept his composure and jumped in the backseat. 

 "Uh, hi, Monika. Didn't expect to see you here," he said.

 I began the drive home. "You know what Monika told me?" I said to Caleb. The Doki in question became flustered. 

 "What?" Caleb asked.

 "That you two are in a relationship. Why did you not tell me?" 

 Caleb stuttered. "O-Oh! B-Because we forgot." 

 I shook my head.

 Caleb cleared his throat. "In other news, I have something very important to tell everyone. I won't spoil anything, but I met a very special person today." 

 "Intriguing," Monika remarked. 

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