Surgery for Two

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(Tiki's POV)

 I landed in the front garden of Caleb and Robyn's house. After changing back, I crawled my way to the door and rang the doorbell, another great invention.

 Yuri answered the call. "Hello?" She looked around, puzzled. 

 "Down here," I said.

 Yuri looked down and gasped. "Tiki! What happened to you?" 

 "Mark broke both of my legs. Can you carry me inside, please?" I asked.

 Yuri lifted me into her arms and took me to the couch. "Your right leg looks terrible! I'm very surprised the bone has not broken the skin. Do you mind if I take your boots off?" 

 "Go ahead," I said. I winced in pain as she slid my shoes off. 

 "We need to get you to a hospital, now!" Yuri worried.

 "We have to wait for the others to get back with the car," I pointed out.

 The purple-haired girl looked extremely worried. "Is there anything I can do to ease your pain?" she asked, trying to remain calm. 

 "With my leg snapped in half? Probably not," I said. 

 "What about your vulneraries? Would they heal you?" 

 I shook my head. "They only heal minor cuts and wounds. We usually needed a staff to mend broken bones, and even that would only put them back together. You still needed to wait for the bone to join again."

 We heard the car pull up outside. Yuri ran out to greet them. My friends came in with worry written on their faces. 

 "We need to go. Come on," Caleb said, face showing no emotion. He hefted me into his arms. Monika and a boy I guessed to be MC came along for the ride. Caleb sat me in the front seat with him.

 "Hey. I'm not sure if this is the best time, but I'm MC." MC patted my shoulder. 

 "I'm Tiki. Pleasure to meet you," I said.

 "Yuri told us Mark did this to you," Caleb said. 

 "Yes, he did. I let myself get captured and he brought me to his office where he proceeded to smash my legs with a baseball bat," I said with sorrow.

 Monika was deep in thought. 

 "Penny for your thoughts?" MC asked. 

 "I may have a plan to take down Avram. We can get the police to check the security footage. Once they see him breaking Tiki's bones, they have to arrest him," she reasoned. 

 "Brilliant idea," Caleb praised. "But we have to get Tiki better first. And we can get MC's tracker removed while we're there," Caleb said. 

 "That's why I came," MC said.

(Caleb's POV)

 I pulled into the hospital parking lot. I carefully took Tiki out and carried her inside. 

 "How can I help you?" the receptionist asked. 

 "My friend here had both of her legs broken by a thug," I told her. 

 "What's her name?" 


 "Alright. Take a seat and the surgeon will call your name when they are ready for the surgery," the receptionist told us.

 "Thanks," I said.

 We followed her advice and sat down.

 "How are you feeling, Tiki?" I asked.  

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