What the Future Holds (END)

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(Tiki's POV)

 I lifted my head and scanned my surroundings. Lots of people were milling around. Caleb ran to me and picked me up.

 "You okay?" he asked. "Why did you leave the house?" 

 "I had a feeling something bad was happening, so I came," I explained.

 Caleb held me close. "Never do anything like that again. I was worried for you." 

 Monika came and said the same thing. 

 "Hehe, I'm fine, though. I killed Mark and the world is better off," I smiled.

 "Speaking of that..." Monika looked over her shoulder. "I think every game character from the games inside the building have appeared. I'm going to say hi to some of them." 

 I glanced around at the new visitors. I spotted a certain someone. "Wait... Is that Robin?! My Robin, I mean." I pointed to him. Caleb brought me over.

 I smiled happily. "Hello, Robin." 

 The tactician grinned. "Hey, Tiki. What are you been up to?" 

 "I made some new friends. This is Caleb," I introduced him. 

 "I would shake your hand, but I'm a little preoccupied," Caleb said.

 Robin smirked. "Are you two a thing?" 

 We blushed. "No, I already have a girlfriend, but Tiki isn't a bad backup," Caleb said.  

 I slapped him. "Both of my legs were broken so Caleb is carrying me around." 

 "That's no good. How did you do it? You never once broke a single bone in the army," Robin asked. 

 "We just killed a guy called Mark Avram. I let myself get captured by him and he smashed my legs," I told him.

 Robin scowled. "If he wasn't dead I would kill him myself." 

 "Oh, I know you would," I said.

 Robin then turned his attention to Caleb.

 "This is your world, I would assume. Would you mind if I came to your house every day to ask you about this place?" Robin queried. 

 Caleb sweated. "I don't suppose you want to bring the other Shepherds with you as well?" 

 "It would be nice, but not required," Robin said.

 "Our house is not that big, so try and limit your party you bring," Caleb said. 

 "Noted. Can I ask for your address?" Robin asked.

 Caleb nodded towards his sister, who was chatting with Raiden from Metal Gear. "Ask my sister over there, I've got my hands full of dragon girl." 

 Robin turned to leave, but Caleb had one last thing to say. "By the way, you share your name with my sister." 

 "Do I now? This will be interesting." The tactician finally left.

 I looked around to see if I could find Marth, but came up blank. "Where's Marth?" 

 Caleb looked apologetic. "I don't think he's here." 

 "No, that can't be true. He has to be here somewhere," I said, hoping that I was right. 

 We wandered around for about half-an-hour without finding a trace of the Hero-King. I did see Sayori pick something off the ground, but I could not care less.

 Eventually, we had to leave so the police could figure out what to do with everyone. We squeezed into the car and drove home.

 I shed a few tears and sobbed. "I would really like to have seen Mar-Mar there." No one had an answer.

 Over the next few days the Goldwin City Council put in place some policies regarding the game characters.

 I was as surprised as the Dokis to learn the name of the city. For some reason, Caleb and Robyn completely forget to tell us that information. But back to the characters.

 For starters, no characters could leave the city due to other cities not wanting to deal with us.

 We had to get character licences to allow us to use our abilities. The villains could also only use their powers for good.

 We had major restrictions on what kind of jobs we could hold, and we were not allowed to have relationships with humans.

 It wasn't so bad as you might think. The Dokis got out of all of this because they applied, and were approved for, American citizenships before these laws came into place. To the council, they counted as humans.

 For me personally, it was exciting to see what the future held for our kind. Whether it is acceptance or persecution, I would welcome my new life with open arms. 

                                                              THE END

 Well, my first story is finished! I hope you enjoyed it. It's a bit rough, but everyone has to start somewhere. It's only a short story, but it's long enough for what it is. I do have longer, more in-depth stories planned, so keep an eye out for those. 

That's it from me, for now. Until next time, good night!

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