The Prototype

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(Caleb's POV)

 When we arrived home, we gathered all the Dokis in the living room. 

 "What do you have for us?" my sister asked. 

 "You'll never believe this, but I ran into MC," I told everyone. 

 Sayori gasped happily and clutched her chest. Everyone else just simply gasped.

 "He's here?!" Sayori asked with glee. 

 "He's here!?" Monika asked with fear. 

 "Yes, and he told me some troubling news," I said. "Apparently, Mark Avram of Avram Technologies found him in an alleyway. Now he wants to find out how you lot came to our world and create an army made entirely of game characters."

 "That's evil!" Sayori exclaimed. 

 "Of course it's evil. He wants to take over the world," Natsuki scoffed.

 "Is there anything we can do to stop him?" Yuri queried. 

 "Not unless you have any evidence to send him to prison." I was forlorn. "All we can do is sit and wait for something to happen." 

 "I don't like waiting. I'd rather be doing something," Robyn said. 

 "I know, but you can't," I said.

 Sayori, happy as ever, changed the subject. "Can MC come here? I want to see him again." 

 I shook my head sadly. "Avram injected a tracker in his ankle. Unless one of you secretly knows surgery, I don't think he can come here."

 Robyn crossed her arms and huffed. "Fine, we'll wait. But I won't like it."

 For the next three weeks, no new developments on the Avram case occurred. The Dokis became citizens and found jobs. Yuri, a library assistant. Sayori and Natsuki, a bakery. Natsuki made the food while Sayori worked the registers. Monika refused to tell me where she worked. She claimed it was a secret. I left the topic alone. If she wants to be mysterious, she can.

 Then one day, out of nowhere MC visited me while I was working again. 

 "Meet me at Emperor's Coffee on your break. Something big just happened," he said mysteriously. 

 I followed his advice and on my break I went to the café.

 I arrived before him, so I ordered food and a drink. 

 "Can I get you anything?" the waitress asked. That voice sounded familiar... 

 "Monika?" I realised.

 She beamed. "That's me! I'm a waitress at your favourite café," she explained.

 Now that I knew it was her, I studied her more closely. 

 "You look cute in that uniform," I complimented my girlfriend. 

 "Thanks! Now I'd better do my job or I'll get fired. Can I get you anything?" she asked again. 

 "The usual. A latte and a blueberry muffin," I said.

 "Coming right up!" She dashed away. 

 While my order was being prepared, a certain main character sat down at my table.

 "I see you changed your hat," I said. MC now wore a plain black cap with no designs. 

 "A couple of people wanted to talk baseball when they saw my cap," he explained. I got down to business.

 "So what did you invite me here for?" I asked. Before MC could answer, Monika came back with my order. 

 "Here you are!" she beamed. She noticed my cap-wearing companion.

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