A New Friend

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(Robyn's POV)

 The next day, I slowly got up out of bed. I didn't like getting up early, but I had to make breakfast for our anime friends since my brother had work. 

 He kissed me on the cheek. "I'll see you later," he smiled.

 "See you later," I casually waved. He walked out the door and drove off.

 Yuri was sitting on the couch with a book when I turned around. 

 "I see you found our book collection," I said. 

 "Yes. You have a fascinating array of books," she replied.

 "We kinda collect them. We get books every year on our birthdays," I explained. 

 "That would be my dream," Yuri remarked.

 Monika came out of Caleb's bedroom. I wonder what she was doing in there. 

 "Where's Caleb?" she asked. 

 "At work," I responded. 

 "Where's his workplace?" she then queried. They were definitely together. 

 "I refuse to answer," I told her. "If I do, you'll just stalk him." 

 I went to the kitchen entrance while she pouted.

 "What do you girls want for breakfast?" I asked.

 "I want toast!" Sayori said, throwing her arms in the air. She certainly was excitable. 

 "I can do toast. The rest of you fine with that?"

 Everyone else agreed, so I grabbed a loaf of bread. Just to be safe I grabbed a second.

 After everyone had breakfast and showers, I made my announcement. 

 "I'm going to be making music in my room. Nobody break anything, okay?" I said. 

 They gave the a-okay. I really hope I knew what I was doing.

(Monika's POV)

 I followed Robyn to her room. 

 "Yes, Monika?" she asked. Her computer screen was filled with music-making stuff. 

 "You wouldn't happen to know the password to Caleb's computer?" I swayed innocently.

 "I might. What do you need it for?" 

 "I just want to browse the internet. My game never had that." 

 She sighed. "Fine, but don't ask to play any of his games. He tends to get quite protective of them." 

 "Understood," I nodded. 

 She entered the password and left me to my devices.

 Instead of doing what I told Robyn, I searched for jobs in the local area. If us four Dokis could get jobs we could help their financial situation a little.

 I also downloaded Python to practice coding. It was one of my few skills, I may as well perfect it. Besides, maybe I could help Caleb with a computer that's acting up.

(Caleb's POV)

 I carefully placed the computer case on the counter. "It's all fixed. It was only a faulty power supply," I explained. The customer thanked me. He paid and left. 

 The next customer walked up to the counter. My eyes grew wide when I saw who it was.

 "MC?!" I freaked out. What was he doing here? And why was he wearing a Red Sox cap?

 "In the flesh. You're Caleb, right? The person housing the Dokis?" MC asked.


 "When do you have your lunch break?" he inquired.

 I glanced at the clock on the wall. "In thirty minutes," I replied.

 "Meet me at the café on the corner. That real dinky one with the penguin on the logo."

 I knew where he was referencing. My favourite café: Emperor's Coffee, so called after the Emperor penguin. I think they should have Roman Emperor Augustus on the logo personally.

 "I'll see you there," I nodded, trying to play it cool. Inside, I was a mess.

 When my lunch break started, I headed straight to the meeting place. I saw MC at a table and joined him.

 "Before we start, do you mind if I ask about the hat?" I said. 

 "It's a disguise so no one recognises me. I'm not a baseball fan, by the way. I just saw this one first." He adjusted his cap.

 I figured as much.

 The waitress came to our table. "Can I get you two anything?" 

 "A hot chocolate and blueberry muffin, please," I said. 

 "A medium latte for me," MC said. She noted our orders and hurried off. 

 "I didn't know you were a coffee drinker," I commented. 

 MC shrugged. "The game never went into detail about my character beyond saying I like anime and games."

 He leaned forward and placed his arms on the table. "I have something very important to tell you." 

 "I'm listening." 

 MC glanced around. "There is a major threat to this city." 

 I had to stifle a laugh.

 Threat to the city? That's something that happens in superhero comics, not real life. Although, game characters coming to life shouldn't be real either.

 "Do you know who Mark Avram is?" MC asked.

 "Of course I do. He owns Avram Technologies, only the biggest tech company in town. We sell their products," I told him.

 The waitress brought our orders. 

 "Thank you very much," I thanked her. I took a bite of my muffin.

 "Well, he has a crazy plan to create a video game army to do his bidding," MC said as he took a sip of his drink. "He knows the Dokis came out of their game and he wants to know how. He is studying me to see if he can find the secret." 

 "Where did you show up when the lightening struck my computer?" I asked.

 He glanced at me before going back to his coffee. "So that's how it happened, eh? I guess you could say I 'spawned' in the back alley behind Avram Technologies." 

 He sighed. "My game just loves to screw me over, doesn't it?" 

 "Cheer up, man. It's not that bad." I reached over the table and patted his shoulder. "Also, why are you telling me this here? Come to my house and you can tell everyone." 

 "I can't. Mark injected a tracker in my ankle," he grimaced.

 This was more serious than I thought.

 MC finished his drink and stood up. "It was nice chatting with you. I have to get back before Avram gets suspicious." 

 "Can I tell the others about this?" I asked. 

 "Go right ahead," MC said. "Just know that Mark might try to kidnap the girls. I'll keep in touch."

 He pulled his cap over his face and briskly walked away. That was a lot of information to digest. Luckily, I had my work to distract me until I got home. 

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