Investigating Tom

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It's the middle of the night, between days 1 and 2 at camp...

Dear Diary,

I've been struggling to sleep thinking about all the suspicious stuff Tom has done today. From his quick thinking and judgement, to his constant mistakes, like when he didn't grab the correct flag in today's challenge, or when he actually lead us the wrong direction and Jake noticed it. He makes me scared for my safety and everyone's safety here, even the hosts. Unfortunately, due to his strength, we can't get him out...yet. He's been opening and closing his eyes all night, making sure no one else was noticing. I should sleep before he finds out I'm awake.


Sorry about that, but I had a really good sleep last night. Better than I expected all because I struggled at first. I didn't get to catch Tom out of the tent because I was very busy sleeping. There's that. Anyway, I was able to catch some things about him, but I put them in my notes so nobody finds out about it. Those catches all happened when I was awake, don't worry. I'm no magician, but I see a bunch of magic shows all the time.

None of my other teammates are up yet, so I've put myself out of the tent to get some sun. It's very close to summer, although people already assume it is because it's June. Whatever the case, I'm just ready for some swimming! It's my favorite activity a camp has to offer! Hopefully we'll have some swimming or water related challenges. I'd like that a lot. 

Oh! My team is starting to wake up! I'm going to add more notes about Tom to start the morning, see if I can notice more suspicious things about him. I'll also probably bond with Gabby more, she seems really nice, even if she did feel down last night. I should ask if she didn't get along well with Grett or Miriam. Hopefully I can write in you again before the challenge!

Your friend,


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