Time Flies

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Time flies, diary,

But not when Grett is around. She returned for more chaos last night, angry that Gabby was nowhere to be found. The past couple of nights have been full of chaos because of her presence. We could barely get any sleep. Even Lill was having trouble with all of Grett's shenanigans being noisy. Eventually, things stopped, but this morning, there was no sign of her.

What I really wanted to talk about here was that...it's day 20. This is my 25th entry. Time really does fly, man. I can't believe we only have ten days left here. I believe we're in the final six right now, but there hasn't been any word on when the next person is joining us. Honestly, I don't blame the staff for telling us this time around, because the last two times, Gabby was nowhere to be seen, and Grett ran away a few hours after getting eliminated before returning to sort of torture us more. It's really weird to be writing this entry right now, even.

I do have a list on who's in the top six from my previous list. In alphabetical order, they are as follows:







That's a strong final six if you ask me. Ever since I found out Fiore was evil, I knew she would go far with her act. However, I have this feeling that being her friend could be a good thing, so if she is in the finale, I will support unless otherwise told.

I realize Tom isn't as bad as Grett, not even NICK is as bad as Grett, Jake is strong, so that's deserving, and Miriam, Miriam being there is shocking to me. I think she does have the brains on being one of those six, so I'll give her credit for that. Don't know who Alec and Ellie actually are, but Gabby did tell me she was talking with Ellie. I'm sure you already know about that, diary.

Wait a minute...wasn't I supposed to plan a date with Lill for Will and Ashley three days ago? Oh, yeah. Guess I forgot about that, we were all too busy helping the motel staff. Well, it's never too late to give up on it! I'm going to talk with Lill and see if we can get their date TONIGHT.

Your friend,


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