Last Day At The Motel

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Ok diary, 

The finale is officially confirmed to be tomorrow. Therefore, today is our last full day at the motel. Man, I can't believe that everything I've been through at camp has been crazy but very rewarding. I gained Dan and Gabby as friends, Grett as an enemy, and Fiore as a frenemy, which is weird but at least I gained something from this experience, and that's all I really wanted to have here. I also wanna thank Lill, Ashley, and Will for their respect. They've really helped all of us in this place. Jake and Tom, can't really say the same for you. 

Meanwhile, Alec and Nick have been really angry this morning. Alec's reason is obviously understandable since he just got eliminated, but Nick? Apparently he hates Alec's existence for some reason. 

Anyways, I'm looking forward to this finale. After seeing a ton of sides, I know this finale is going to be interesting.


It's been a couple of hours, and we're already done with lunch! This day is passing by quickly, weirdly enough. Normally it takes forever for something exciting happening the next day to actually get to the next day, if that makes sense. I just like the fact that the faster the day, the better, but I don't forget to live my life. I had a small conversation with Dan earlier and I also went outside for a bit. It was weirdly cool for the middle of the summer, but I didn't mind it. It's now mid July for us, and I'm super excited to see whether the weather will be like this back in France, because I certainly wouldn't mind it.

I know today doesn't seem that interesting to you, but it is to me. 

Now, who do YOU think is gonna win tomorrow?

My final prediction has to be Fiore, because she's definitely got the perfect strategy to win, but I'm supporting Ellie for now, not only because Gabby wants me to, but also to have Ellie know that even though we didn't get to interact much, I've heard a lot of good things about her from Gabby, so she definitely could take this. Same with Miriam. All three finalists have great strategy, clearly.

Now to wait and see what happens tomorrow.

Your friend, 


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