"Now you have nothing"

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   "Draco I saw you" I yelled as I walked in his dorm. "What?" He looks up at me from his bed. "I.saw.you." I state as I walk closer to him. "With..?" He seems confused. "Pansy!" I say, tears falling from my eyes. "Baby it's not-" I cut him off. "Don't call me that" I look down. He stands up and lifts my chin up. "Don't touch me" I back away. "Did you fuck her?" I look up at him. He seems taken back. He pauses for a moment and I scoff. "So you did?" My voice breaks.

"I did! Ok? I did. There's nothing I can do about it now" he runs his hands through his hair. "No, but there's something I can do. We're done" I start crying a little. He looks at me, his eyes filled with tears. "W-what?" He walks up and tries to hold my waist. "No! You ruined me Draco. I have given you everything! My whole life, since we were kids. I have been nothing but loyal. I have always been there. It's always been you, Draco." I cry. "Y/n-" I cut him off again.

"I have lost parts of me that I will never get back, trying to get you to love me like I loved you. There are parts of me that have drifted so far away that I don't even remember them. I threw away everything for you and you don't even care!" I cry. "Loved..?" His voice breaks as he looks at me, tears spilling out of his Greg eyes.

"I still do Draco. I always will. That's the problem. Your like my drug. Something that makes me forget about everything. But the one problem with drugs, they might be great at first, but the ruin your life in the end." My voice gets louder. I cry. And cry. And cry harder. All I wanted was him. All I needed was him. "I'm so sorry y/n." He sighed. "You were the first person to make me feel something in so long and-" "and you threw it away draco! You threw me away, like I was nothing." My voice is just above a whisper.

"Your not nothing! Your my everything." He steps closer. "Was, Draco. Was" I look up at him. My eyes are full of emptiness. "No y/n, you are my everything. The only one I want." He grabs my hands. "No, no." I roll my eyes. "She, is your everything now. Better hold on to her cause she is the only thing you have left" I say angrily. "No y/n don't do this" he pleads. "It's your fault Draco. You had everything, now you have nothing. You made big boy choices, now you have big boy consequences."

And with that I left the room.

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