Unexpected ~One direction Fanfiction

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Heyyy guysss okay well heres a NEW fanfic SOO HOPE YOU LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


~Sky XX


Chapter 1,The bite

Let's get a few things straight before we start from the beginning. Yes, I'm a vampire. No, not all of us are spectacularly good looking, me being one of those vampires. I never wanted to be a vampire, trust me. Yes, there are benifits, I mean, blood has no carbs, so I won't be overweight, but... Blood is just... Good? Anyway, not all vampires are the nice kind either. You've seen Twilight right? Well, this isn't Twilight. Sorry... To me, it's not some movie, it's reality. A very, very scary reality.

Let's start from the beginnning shall we?


I was the only one who had backstage passes at this concert, not sure why, I just did. I waited to meet the boys, by myself because my friends were to tired to wait.

After a while, they all walked out. But, they looked so... Different. They all pulled me into a hug, but their skin was freezing.

"Can I ask you guys a question?" I blurted out.

"Sure love." Harry said.

"W-why are your eyes a different color?" I backed a bit. All the boys glanced at each other. "And you look... Paler than you did on stage... Are you... Sick?"

"Uhh..." Louis scratched his neck.

"Don't lie... Please."

"Come." Liam said and dragged me to their dressing room.

"We'll tell you the truth, but only if you can understand the consequences." Zayn said sternly. I nodded, completely terrified.

What the hell is going on?!

"We... We're vampires." Liam said.

I shook a bit and eyed them all over. "Am I... Is this a dream?!" I'm not sure whether to be attracted to this or to be completely terrified.

"Don't be scared." Harry crouched in front of me.

"Yet." Niall spoke up. My head shot to his, my eyes small with fear.

"W-what are the concequences?"

"You... Need to become a vampire." Louis said. I shook my head and stood up. "It's the only way to keep you from telling."

"No... I won't tell anyone. I-I promise, just... Please." I backed away. Harry held out his hand. I shook my head furiously. Louis stepped forward, causing me to shrink back more. "No. No, no, no! Please! You... You don't have to do this!" I spoke quickly, running into a wall behind me. "I won't tell I promise! Just... Don't do this." I covered my mouth trying not to cry.

"Charlotte, we don't want to, but we must." Louis said, taking my hand. "Just don't struggle it only makes it worse."

I tore from his grip and bolted for the door. Harry grabbed me quickly and pulled me to his chest.

"No!!! Please! Just loet me go!" I cried. The boys looked at each other.

"I'm not doing it." Niall said.

"Louis... Do it." Harry loosened his tight hold, but I stood frozen as Louis pulled me forward.

"Just... Don't move." He whsipered. "Okay?" I didn't answer.

"Louis... Don't take to much." Liam warned nervously. My breathing sped up as Louis bent closer to my neck. I winced preparing for a sharp pain, but felt a soft kiss on my neck.

Then, it erupted through me.

Louis' fangs ripped through the skin of my neck, the sharp fangs piercing my skin. I screamed into Louis' shoulder and tried to squirm away which only hurt more. Louis gripped my back as I cried into his shoulder.

"Louis... That's enough." Zayn said.

"Louis!" Liam shouted. He wouldn't stop. Harry ran over and pried him off of me. My head fell back and I collapsed onto the ground.

Unexpected ~One direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now