Chapter Two

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As I walk further into the city, the heat from the multiple buildings on fire surrounds me.

The atmosphere has a feeling of dread and despair, but it also strangely doesn't feel nearly as bad as I was expecting it too.

The air has a distinct pungent smell that reminds me the inhabitants of this place are in fact demons. And it hangs in the air like a fog that never leaves.

I look around at the different demons of all shapes, sizes, and varieties surrounding me.

Some of them seem as if they're having fun in this environment, while others not so much. It seems as if this is just normal everyday life for everyone down here.

As I continue to walk towards the hotel I try my best to pick paths that don't have a lot of demons.

I made sure to bring one of my angelic knife's with me but I'd prefer not to use it so soon after getting here.

Eventually I make my way to the front of the hotel. I take a deep breath, getting the courage to knock.

As a few seconds pass the door opens quickly and I am face to face with quite an enthusiastic girl.

It's clear she's Lucifer's daughter. She resembles him much more than Lilith. I grimace slightly at how much she looks like him.

"Oh my goodness!" Charlie smiles. "You must be a new guest! Guys! We have a new guest!" She says the last part facing in towards the lobby.

Turning back to me she glances over me and I give her a small smile. "Yup, a new guest." I chuckle slightly.

"Come on in!" Charlie grabs me by the arm and leads me straight into the lobby, it was a pretty decent room with plenty of different furniture all over.

I glance around as I notice some of the other guests in the room. My eyes immediately latch onto the strange egg creatures running around.

Charlie notices me looking at the egg creatures running around. "Oh, those are the egg bois." She says, pointing at the egg boys running around.

Her eyes then widened slightly. "I just realized I never introduced myself. I'm so sorry! I'm Charlie!"

I glance back at her. "I'm (Y/N)." She smiles at me again. "Well, it's a pleasure to have you here (Y/N)!"

I just nod. "Yeah I saw an advertisement for this place so I decided to come and check it out." I shrug.

"Well, I'm glad you did!" Charlie then realizes everyone else is just staring at the two of us. "Oh! let me introduce you to everyone that's here right now!"

She first points to a spider looking person. "That's Angel Dust. He's our first ever resident."

She then points towards a snake person. "And this is Sir Pentious, our newest guest. Before you of course." She grins.

As I glance at Angel I realize that his sister is in Heaven. I wonder if he remembers her cause she definitely doesn't remember him.

That's the one interesting aspect about Heaven that always made me sad.

You can't be eternally happy if you know that someone you loved ended up in Hell.

I turn my eyes away from him to focus on Sit Pentious instead. A few of the egg bois are near him which makes me think he must be in charge of them.

As I continue to stare I feel something, no someone, grab my leg and I immediately lean away. "Hehe hello."

I look down and I immediately feel uncomfortable with the strange stare I am being given.

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