Epilogue One

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"And those will be your duties as head seraphim (Y/N). Do you have any questions?" One of the angels asks me.

I shake my head enthusiastically. "Nope no questions." I beam out. She nods proudly, clearly impressed by my enthusiasm.

"You're a fast learner, (Y/N). I have faith that you'll excel in your role as a Seraphim." She gives a slight chuckle, her eyes shining with a hint of mischief.

"Although, I must say, it's quite refreshing to encounter someone who doesn't have any questions. It seems as though most seraphs can't help but ask a dozen or so."

I smile at the angel as my wings flutter. She notices my eagerness and lets out a small hum. "You've been working hard today how about you end your lessons early?" She asks as my eyes light up.

"Oh yes yes that would be great!" I exclaim as I quickly make my ways to the doors. She lets out a small chuckle, watching me head towards the doors.

"Alright, alright, off you go. Remember to rest and relax! Even angels need a break sometimes." I thank her once more before walking outside.

She watches me leave before closing the doors and returning to her duties. The sunlight pours down, illuminating the area outside. The air is warm and filled with a certain tranquility.

I extend my wings slightly, stretching them out in the sunlight as I continue to aimlessly walk around and absorb all of the scenery.

As I explore the area, the beauty of heaven surrounds me. The gentle breeze carries the faint scent of flowers carried by angels fluttering around.

The bright white buildings contrast against the clear blue sky, with small clouds drifting lazily across the canvas.

I continue your walk, taking in the serene atmosphere. The sound of angelic voices and laughter fill the air, creating a sense of peace and tranquility that envelops me completely.

I eventually make my way to a small pond and take a seat near it as I watch the reflections in the water.

As I settle down by the pond, the soft ripples on the surface create a mesmerizing dance of colors and reflections.

The water is a mirror-like surface, perfectly still and reflecting the surrounding trees, clouds, and the bright blue sky above.

I look into the water and realize that I can see my own reflection staring back at me. I appear content, sitting by the pond, a small smile on my lips as I soak in the serene atmosphere around me.

After a few moments a new reflection appears in the water and I turn my body around to see the person approaching me.

This angel is also a seraphim as I take a moment to look at his wings before my gaze shifts to his face. "You look peaceful, if I do say so myself." He says with a gentle smile.

I give him a smile as I nod and tap the ground next to me. "Wanna join?" He nods with a smile, moving to sit next to me by the pond.

He sits with his legs crossed, and I can see that his wings have a shimmering effect to them, reflecting the light.

"This is quite a nice spot. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking." He says in a quiet voice, admiring the scenery around us.

"It really is. I'm glad I found it." I reply while still smiling. While we sit together admiring the scenery, the sound of angelic chatter and laughter drifts in the air.

After a brief silence, the angel turns to look at me. "Ah, how rude am I that I haven't even asked for your name?" he says with a small chuckle.

I laugh as well. His presence feels so comforting to where it feels like we've known each other forever. "I'm (Y/N). It's really nice to meet you." My wings flutter behind me as a gust of wind passes by us.

He smiles, and I can see his eyes twinkling in the sunlight. His face is kind, his features soft and gentle. There is a warmth and a sincerity to him that makes me feel comfortable. "And I am Lucifer. The pleasure is all mine, (Y/N)."

The conversation flows effortlessly between us, like a gentle stream. There are moments of silence, but they never feel uncomfortable. Instead, they feel like moments of reflection and contemplation.

As we speak, I can't help but feel like I've known him for much longer than just this single conversation. It's rare to find someone you connect with so easily.

As the day continues, the sun slowly begins to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and purple. The shadows grow longer and the air cools slightly.

As the sun sets, the sky is painted with a beautiful display of colors. The clouds are tinged with pink and purple, and the sun casts a warm glow over the landscape.

I sigh, watching the sunset, and the light breeze rustles our feathers gently. I turn to look at Lucifer, his face illuminated by the last few rays of daylight.

He, too, is staring up at the sky, his wings draped behind him. He looks absolutely beautiful with the sunset casting shadows on his face, and I find myself smiling involuntarily.

As the last few moments of daylight slowly fade, the sky grows darker as night descends. The stars begin to appear as tiny specks of light in the sky, glimmering like diamonds against the black canvas.

The night sky is breathtaking. I can't help my smile growing as my eyes flick over all of the stars and constellations that are visible.

From the corner of my eye I see Lucifer staring at me with a smile on his face as well. "Such a beautiful sight, isn't it?" He says softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

I hum in acknowledgment. "I absolutely adore the night sky. It's my favorite part of creation. Each star is so unique and the way some of them line up to make beautiful constellations." I say becoming more and more fascinated.

As I ramble about the stars and constellations, I glance at Lucifer and see that he's actually paying attention, his gaze on me. His eyes are fixed on my face, and there's a warm, almost fond expression on his face, a smile playing on his lips.

I pause for a moment, a little surprised by how intently he's listening. "Sorry, I just really like stars," I say, feeling a bit sheepish now that I realize how much I was rambling.

He chuckles softly, a smile on his face. "Don't be sorry. Your passion is quite endearing. Hearing you talk about the stars and constellations like that is actually quite adorable."

I feel my face heat up at his words but I'm not sure why. Before I can respond back to him I see another angel approaching us. Lucifer follows my gaze as we watch as the angel strides up to us, the sound of his wings beating in the air breaking the silence of the night.

As he approaches, the angel casts a fleeting glance at me before focusing on Lucifer. "There you are brother. It's quite late, you should start heading back."

Lucifer sighs and nods, standing up with a small groan. "Yes, I suppose it is time to get back." He replies, stretching out his wings a bit. As he looks at me, there's a flicker of longing in his eyes as if he wanted to stay longer.

"You're the head seraphim correct? His brother then asks me. I nod at him and Lucifer looks at me with more interest. "You should get back as well. It's very late."

I nod along again as I stand up my eyes going to Lucifer's. "It was a pleasure meeting you. Perhaps we can meet again soon." I give him a large smile and he smiles back at me. "I would like that." I say before we go our separate ways.

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