Epilogue Two

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As I'm reading over paperwork in my office I hear a small knock. I look up towards the door with a confused look. Most people don't come to my office and Lucifer just barges in without knocking.

After a moment another knock follows. "Come in." I say placing the papers in my hands on my desk. The door quickly opens and I see a young seraphim poke her head through the door.

She gives me a smile before walking inside, closing the door behind her. "You're (Y/N) right?" She asks as she is now standing in front of my desk.

"I am. Did you need something?" I ask gently with a smile on my face as well. She gives me another smile before she finally speaks up.

"I'm Emily, the angel who has been assigned to you, the head seraphim. I have been sent here to help you with anything you need." She says, her voice coming off very cheerful and polite.

"Oh," I say surprised. "I wasn't aware I was getting someone assigned to me." I then gesture to the seat in front of me. "Feel free to sit and I can give you a run down of my position and what I do."

A look of excitement appears on her face as she sits down eagerly. I begin to explain everything I know and what I was taught during my training when I was a new seraphim.

She nods along eagerly the whole time which makes me smile. After I'm done she asks me a few questions which I try to answer as best as I can.

Her excitement over the role never leaves her eyes as she asks me her questions. Even though I don't know her yet, I enjoy her energy and the fact that she seems as excited about her job as I used to be when I was her age.

When she's done asking me her questions she says in an excited tone. "I will do my best to fulfill my responsibilities and help you where I can!"

"Thank you Emily. I'm very excited to work with you and get to know you better." I replied with a smile. She's an absolute sweetheart, she's a bit naive but that's not necessarily a bad trait to have at a young age.

A look of excitement appears on her face yet again, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "I am so excited to work with you!" She says with an adorable smile on her face.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

A few months later Emily and I settled into a comforting routine. Every morning she'd spend some time with me in my office before going out to handle her duties for the day. Then she'd come back and we'd talk about what we did and accomplished.

Emily is exceptional at her job and is always able to preserve the happiness and joy of the human souls that ascend to Heaven. I'm really proud of how much she's grown.

As I am working at my desk, I hear a knock at my office door. The familiar knock that I knew was hers. "Come in," I respond to the knock.

Emily walks in with her normal cheerful mood and I immediately smile. She smiles as she walks over to me, sitting down as she begins to speak. "How are you doing today?" She asks me as she gives me a sweet smile.

"I'm doing well. I didn't have much to do today which was nice. How did everything go today for you?" I ask after responding.

"Oh it was such a productive day for me. I was assigned to a recently deceased human who ascended to heaven and it was so nice to help him settle in." She says, a cheerful and excited look on her face.

We continue to talk about our days until the conversation shifts to us just having a regular conversation.

The conversation between us eventually becomes quite a long one. With Emily doing most of the talking, but I didn't mind, she had quite a lot to say. I was still listening intently to her.

Emily gets interrupted as someone slams my door open without knocking. I look up as the door barges open, a smile appearing on my face as I realize it was Lucifer.

He was smiling as well as he walked over to me, giving me a quick kiss before sitting on my desk. "Hello, my love." He says, clearly happy to see me.

My face heats up at the fact he just kissed me in front of Emily. "I don't think you'll ever learn what knocking is." I tease playfully.

His smile only widens upon hearing me tease him. "I will never understand the point of knocking. It's much more fun to barge in and surprise you." He teases back.

Emily lets out a little happy squeak, making me turn my attention to her to make sure he's okay.

Lucifer immediately turns his attention to her as well, a look of confusion on his face. "What was that squeak about?" He asks, a light hint of amusement in his voice.

She just looks between the both of us as her smile widens and she brings her hands up to her face. "You two are dating!" She exclaims.

Lucifer's confusion fades as a look of realization appears on his face. He begins to laugh, a smile appears on his face as well. "You didn't know that?" He asks, amused by her reaction.

I hit his arm gently. "She's never seen us together before, you know that." I say as my smile widens. He pretends to be hurt, though his smile stays plastered on his face. "I know, I know." He says, not meaning a word he says.

"We've been dating for several months. You didn't know?" He asks her again, still amused. Emily just gawks more as her eyes begin to sparkle.

He laughs at her reaction, finding her excitement amusing. "I'll take that as a no." He says in a teasing tone before turning back to me. "She's very excited about the fact that we're together." He says, a teasing look on his face.

"It seems that way." I begin to laugh at Emily's excitement. "It's adorable how excited she is about this." He says as he smiles with me.

Emily lets out another squeak of excitement, only making Lucifer laugh more. All I can do is smile. I am so happy to be surrounded by these two. I love them both endlessly.

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