Epilogue Four

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"What the fuck were you thinking going down there. And seeing her of all people?" I yell between tears at Lucifer.

I continue before he can utter anything. "What the hell do you think will happen if anyone else finds out about this? You're so lucky I was the one assigned to be in the  observation room today."

Lucifer just stood there stunned looking at me before finally speaking. "(Y/N), I-" He took a pause, choosing his words carefully. "I promise I can explain everything."

My eyes narrow at him as he stands in front of me. "There's nothing to explain. I saw everything. For all the times you expressed how much you loved me you sure were pretty close to that bitch."

"I still love you (Y/N), I swear nothing happened. You know I wouldn't-" He started taking a step forward but stopped mid-way as he saw my glare "You know how much I love you" He said quietly.

"If you loved me you would have never entertained the idea of being with her." I say as more tears stream down my face.

He looked conflicted, wanting to hold me and make everything okay but knowing he messed up badly. A part of him didn't even regret it until he saw me crying. That's when it all started to feel real for him.

"....You're right, I shouldn't have done it. I wasn't thinking straight...But that doesn't mean my love for you is even a slightly bit less. I'd do anything to fix this."

"Get out of my office Lucifer." I say with an edge in my voice. "Just get out and leave me alone." With no other choice, Lucifer reluctantly nods, a pained expression on his face.

As he leaves the room, I collapse onto the floor, the weight of everything that happened crashing down on me. I curl up, holding myself and crying silently.

I hold myself tightly as I continue the cry. My whole body begins to hurt from how hard I'm crying but I can't stop. I just kept replaying in my mind when I saw the two of them together through the observation room.

I keep crying until my chest hurts. Even after my sobbing calms down, I can't stop the tears from running down my cheeks.

I feel like a piece of my heart has been ripped out and it's unbearable. I curl myself into a ball, wrapping my wings around myself in a protective cocoon.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

A few weeks have passed and Lucifer and I haven't spoken at all. We haven't even seen each other since our confrontation.

Emily walks into my room with a sealed envelope. "Sera asked me to deliver this to you. She said it was extremely important for you to read it right away."

I glance at the envelope in Emily's hand, a lump forming in my throat. "Thank you, Emily," I say softly, my voice barely above a whisper.

I carefully take the envelope from her, my hands trembling slightly. As Emily turns to leave, I gingerly open the envelope and pull out the contents, preparing myself for whatever awaits.

The letter is very vague and just explains how there is an emergency angelic council hearing and that I'm needed to start the meeting off as I am head seraphim.

I take a deep breath as I finish reading the letter, my anxiety spiking. This meeting must be extremely important if it warranted an urgent summons to the angelic council.

As the head seraphim, it's my responsibility to oversee the meeting and ensure everything runs smoothly.

I stand up from my seat and make my way over to the meeting room quickly. As I approach the meeting room, I can feel the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on my shoulders.

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