Epilogue Six

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I can't help myself as I become a giggling mess. "I don't think I'll ever get used to these duck shirts." I say between my laughter.

Lucifer chuckled as he pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. "Hey, they're not just duck shirts," he exclaimed with mock indignation. "They're an art form. A fashion statement."

"An absolute art form." I agree, still laughing as I wrap my arms around his neck. Lucifer grinned, clearly amused by my reaction.

"Damn right they are," he replied, his hands moving idly up and down my back. "And they're extremely comfortable. Just look at the material." He gestured to his current duck shirt, which had a colorful array of ducks wearing party hats.

"I'll admit they are very comfortable." I grin at him. "See?" Lucifer smirked, pleased that I was agreeing with him. "You can't deny the appeal of a good duck shirt. They're soft, they're comfortable, and they're just the right amount of whimsical and fun."

His fingers gently traced abstract patterns on my back as he spoke, the touch sent pleasant shivers through my skin. Lucifer's fingers continued trailing gently along my spine.

He smiled, noticing the way I shivered at his touch. "You know," he said thoughtfully, "there's something quite calming about ducks. They're like the epitome of carefree happiness. Just floating around on a pond, quacking away, living their little duck lives."

"What made you so enthralled with ducks? I've been curious for ages." I say leaning into his touch.

Lucifer pondered my question for a moment, his fingers still tracing patterns on my back. "I suppose it's their carefree nature," he replied finally. "Ducks just seem to be satisfied with the simple pleasures in life."

He pauses before continuing. "They don't worry about the future or the past. They just live in the present, quacking away and splashing in the water. It's almost... soothing, in a way."

I hum out in acknowledgment. "That makes sense. They're very cute creatures. I'm glad you created them."

Lucifer laughed, clearly pleased by my compliment. "Oh yes, I take great pride in my duck creations," he said, feigning a proud pose. "They're some of my finest work. Those little guys were quite the masterpiece." I laugh as well before I notice an angelic orb floating around next to us. I raise an eyebrow before an incoming call comes up on it.

I unwrap my arms around Lucifer's neck before tapping the angelic orb to answer the call, a hologram of Emily appearing in front of us. "Emily?" I say surprised. "Is something wrong?"

Emily's hologram flickered to life, her expression one of urgency and concern. "Not exactly wrong, but... it's important. Can we talk?" I nod with a small frown. "Yes my love, what do you want to talk about?"

Emily's hologram looked nervous, and she fidgeted with her fingers as she spoke. "Well, after everything that happened I'm worried they'll cast me out of heaven."

She takes a deep breath before continuing. "I don't want that to happen so I was wondering if I could just come down there and stay at the hotel so I don't go through that."

My eyes widened. "Oh of course hun. You're more than welcome. We'll come get you right now." Emily's hologram visibly relaxed, her shoulders untensing as she let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you both so much, I'm really scared," she said quietly. "I don't want to fall."

Lucifer spoke up, his tone serious. "We'll take care of you, sweetheart, don't worry. We'll come get you."

"Go to my office and stay there. We'll get you there okay?" I say in a gentle tone. Emily nods quickly. "Okay, I'll go now," she replies before ending the call. Her hologram fizzles out of view.

Once the hologram fizzles out, I let out a sigh and turn to face Lucifer. "We better go get her. I'm worried about her." Lucifer nods and snaps his fingers to open up a portal to my office. "After you." He says while bowing, making me laugh.

I shake my head with a smile at his playful gesture before stepping through the portal, followed closely behind by Lucifer. We step into my office and find Emily standing by my desk, looking anxious.

A small smile finds its way on her lips when she sees our matching duck shirts. I chuckle lightly, noticing the small smile on her face as she sees our matching duck shirts.

Lucifer, however, grins widely and makes a dramatic gesture towards our shirts. "Impressed by our fashion sense? If you are, then you have great taste."

"Those shirts are hilarious." She smiles at us as I put my hand out for her to grab. Lucifer puffs out his chest proudly, clearly pleased with her compliment. "Thank you, thank you," he says with mock modesty. "I knew you'd appreciate the artistry."

He watches as Emily grabs my hand, her fingers entwined with mine. "Ready to go?" I ask her in a low gentle tone.

Emily nods, her eyes meeting mine as she takes a deep breath. "I'm ready," she replies, her voice a little shaky. She doesn't let go of my hand as Lucifer opens up another portal in the office.

I let her walk through first as I followed closely behind her. We step through the portal, emerging into the lobby of the hotel.

Emily looks around nervously, her eyes darting around the room as she takes in her new surroundings. It's clear she's feeling out of place in this world.

I smile down at her as Lucifer goes to find Charlie. "Don't worry you'll fit in just fine here. And I'll come over anytime you need." Emily nods, her grip on my hand tightening a little as she looks up at me. "Okay, that's reassuring," she says softly, some of the tension visibly leaving her body.

Lucifer soon returns with Charlie in tow, both of them smiling welcomingly at Emily. Charlie is the first one to speak, her cheerful expression putting everyone at ease. "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!"

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