Chapter Five

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A few minutes pass and a projection pops up in front of me and I see a very pissed off Adam staring back at me.

Adam's expression is nothing but rage as he stares at me. "Lucifer somehow talked to Sera so now the angelic council is meeting with his daughter tomorrow."

I stay quiet as he continues to rage. "What the hell are you doing down there to cause this to happen?"

I just shrug in response. "Not much yet considering I just got here. I had no clue an angelic council meeting got set up. When did that happen?"

He huffs but with less aggression this time. "It just happened a few minutes ago and Sera doesn't know you're down there so get back up here asap." I nod along.

"Sure. I'll find an excuse to leave the hotel and be out of here and back up there tomorrow before the meeting starts." I reply as he huffs again.

"Good." he replies, sounding a little more calm. "Just be back up here in time, understood?"

"How many times do I have to remind you I'm ranked higher than you." I sigh annoyed with him demanding me around.

He pauses as his facile expression softens slightly. "I know, I know. I just... Don't be too late, okay? Sera is already suspicious enough as it is and I really don't want her to find out you're down here."

"See, we are able to talk nicely. Such a good job Adam." I reply sarcastically. He rolls his eyes then ends the call and I sigh.

I reveal my wings and halo as I groan out. No point in hiding them when everyone knows I'm an angel anyway.

"I'm going to have so much paperwork on my desk after this meeting." A happy sounding screech pulls me out of my sulking and I leave my room to see what the noise is about.

The happy screeching continues as I make my way to the stairs of the lobby.

Charlie is in the middle of the room with Razzle and Dazzle flying around her as she has the biggest grin plastered on her face.

I lean against the railing taking in the scene. It really does shock me too see how much she's like Lucifer.

The two of them are talking happily while Razzle and Dazzle fly in circles around them.

Her laugh is infectious and her happiness is adorable, so much like Lucifer's.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

Lucifer and I are sitting on a cloud above the ground, enjoying the sunshine and the beautiful view of the Garden of Eden.

He tells me to close my eyes then begins laughing. I raise an eyebrow at him with my eyes still closed trying not to laugh as well

"I have a surprise for you." He blurts out between his laughing. My wings flutter slightly at the sound of his voice.

"And what would that be Luci?" I ask as my demeanor cracks and I begin to laugh as well.

His laughter is contagious and soon we are both laughing as I keep my eyes closed still.

After a little bit of time he speaks again. "Open your eyes and you'll see." He says between laughs and I can tell he's grinning.

I open them slowly and my face lights up at the little duckling standing on the cloud between us.

"Isn't he adorable?" He asks me as I begin to slowly reach my hands out towards the duckling.

The small duckling looks around and begins to chirp, waddling on the cloud towards me.

I gasp excitedly as it pokes my hand with its beak before stepping onto my hands.

It turns its head around slightly and looks up at me, chirping happily before letting out a small quack.

"(Y/N), say hello to... Quackers." Lucifer says before I chuckle softly. I can see him blush at the sound of my laughter. "Hello Quac- hello Quackers." I stutter out between laughs.

"Quackers is quite the little character, don't you think?" I say with a grin on my face as the duckling stares up at you, chirping happily before it sits down on your hand and leans back slightly.

I nod happily. "Is he for me? Or-" I stop myself from talking and look down to the Garden instead.

Lucifer shakes his head understanding what I was going to ask. "Nope he's all yours. I've been told I made too many ducklings."

My eyes light up again as I place Quackers on my lap. After making sure the duckling was snug I grabbed Lucifer's face in my hands and kissed him.

"Thank you Luci." I whisper as I peck him on the check after pulling away from our kiss.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

"You're a seraphim?" Charlie asks as she notices me and my wings, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I blink slowly as I take in my surroundings again. I start to make my way down the stairs as I nod. "Yeah. I was one of the first angels created so..."

Charlie nods as she takes this in. "I've always wondered what it's like to be an angel." She says as she tilts her head to look at me. 

"What's the highest ranking thing you can do?" She asks curiously.

"Oh um." I begin not wanting to explain all of this in front of Lucifer. "I mainly just handle all the paperwork that the seraphim's and angelic council send to me."

Charlie looks at me with even more curiosity. I let out a sigh before continuing. "I used to be head seraphim but I gave that position up a while ago."

"Really? So now you just do paperwork? That's got to be kinda boring." Charlie says, sounding sympathetic as she speaks.

"Why did you give up the position? Didn't you enjoy being the head seraphim?" She asks.

I sigh again. "I'm not going to answer that." At my comment Lucifer eyes me. I can tell he's also curious why I'm no longer head seraphim.

I'm more surprised he didn't ask me why Sera took over my position after our call with her ended.

"That's fair enough." Charlie says with a small smile. Still being caught up in my response he speaks up.

"Wait.." he begins, sounding confused. "Why aren't you the head seraphim anymore? Sera's in charge now? When did that happen?"

I just slowly turn towards him and glare at him causing him to sigh. "And here I thought we were making progress. You were being nicer to me when we were alone in your room."

"This is me being nice." I glare a bit harder before turning back to Charlie. "I came down here cause I heard your screeching but also because I have a favor to ask."

Charlie's eyes light up as she hears this, her mind immediately jumping to what she could do to help.

"Sure, what favor do you need?" She says excitedly. "Please act shocked that I'm an angel when you see me tomorrow with the council."

She nods as I continue. "I'm ranked higher than Adam so I could put him in his place if he taunts me but I honestly just don't have the energy to deal with him if he finds out I got my cover blown down here."

Charlie nods her head with fake shock on her face. "Oh my goodness! You're a... You're an angel?!" She exclaims.

Lucifer lets out a laugh as he listens to us. "Is this going to be as entertaining as I think it'll be?..." He asks, smirking a bit.

I grimace at Charlie's poor acting skills but I can't help but start laughing along with Lucifer.

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