Chapter Eleven

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He brushes some strands of hair behind my ear. "Look at me." He whispers, his voice gentle yet commanding.

My eyes glided over to meet his. "You're lucky I listen to you most of the time." I say quietly. He can't help but chuckle softly, the sound a mix of amusement and affection.

"I am lucky." He agrees, his thumb brushing over my cheek. "You're stubborn as a mule." This makes me laugh and he begins to smile. A genuine smile.

"There's that laugh I love." He murmurs softly, his thumb still stroking my cheek. He watches me with a mixture of love and concern as I lean into his touch and close my eyes.

When I open my eyes again, he continues to stroke my cheek with his thumb, his eyes scanning over my face as if memorizing every detail.

"What's on your mind?" I ask. He lets out a soft sigh as he brushes my hair away from my face.

"Just admiring your beauty." He whispers softly, looking at me lovingly. My face flushes. "You're such a flirt." I mumble.

He chuckles softly, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he sees me flush. "Guilty." He says, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on my forehead.

He then stands up and offers his arm out to me. I look at him confused. He chuckles softly at my confused expression.

"Come on, love. You need a break from all this." He says, gesturing around to my office and the papers on my desk.

I extend my arm and grab his hand for him to pull me up. He wraps his other hand around my waist and pulls me in closer to him. As soon as he has a good grip on me he teleports us somewhere.

I begin to look around at our surroundings and notice a large bed in the room and some pictures of Lucifer and Charlie scattered around. Along with a lot of rubber ducks making me smile.

He smiles when he sees my attention on the rubber ducks scattered around the room. "I've been making a bunch of new ones to keep me occupied." He explains nonchalantly.

"Makes sense." I hum. "Why'd you bring me here? I don't know if it's smart for me to be down here right now."

"You need a break, a proper one. You've been working yourself too hard, and I can tell you're exhausted. Plus..." He pulls back to look at me, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "I missed you."

I squish his face in my hands. "Why are you so amazing?" He laughs, the sound muffled by my hands squishing his face.

"I'm amazing?" He asks jokingly but a warm feeling spreads through him from my words. "Mhm." I nod while I stop squishing his face. "Absolutely amazing."

He leans forward to capture my lips in a soft but quick kiss.

"You're the amazing one," he murmurs against my lips before pulling back to pull on my arms. "Come here."

He pulls me towards the bed before going to his closet and giving me an oversized black shirt. As I look at it closer I notice it says "I love ducks" on it with a rubber duck.

When I look back up towards him my face heats up instantly as his shirt is off. He just chuckles at my reaction while putting on the same shirt in my hands.

"Change so we can sleep." He says before walking out of the room. After a moment when he left I finally let out a sigh.

After a moment, I stood up, and began taking off my clothes. Once they were off, I gently put on the shirt he handed to me. It was soft against my skin.

I make my way to the door and open it to see him leaning against the wall. "I have so many questions." I say as I pull him back into his room.

He chuckles as I pull him back into his room, closing the door behind him.

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