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Early the next morning, Qi Yun was woken up by the alarm sound of 666. Qi Yun, who was in a mood to get out of bed, was in a bad mood when he was woken up by 666, especially after checking the time: "666, you'd better give me an explanation, otherwise, you don't want to know what the consequences will be."

"Host, B&Bs and convenience stores are about to open." 666 answered cautiously. Only then did Qi Yun remember that he had a B&B to run, so he calmed down his anger. Since he was woken up, let's get up. I got up, walked slowly to the bathroom to wash up, and then went to the cloakroom to pick out a set of light blue Hanfu. After getting dressed, Qi Yun walked out and said to 666 as he walked: "Call me at 8:30 and we will open at 9 o'clock. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand." Listening to the host's unkind tone, 666 said Answered the question as quickly as possible in my life. Walking to the convenience store and sitting at the cashier, Qiyun asked 666: "One more thing, how should I get my food? Can I only eat the unlocked food? Huh?" "No, no, the host has employee meals.

Yes, the system provides food and lodging for the host. Look, host, all of this is fine." As he said the 666 gold, in the fourth building, a light screen appeared in front of his eyes, which displayed all the delicacies on the earth during peacetime, and also Classified. Qiyun took a closer look and found that these foods were divided into seven categories: breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon tea, late-night snacks, desserts, and drinks. There are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing they don't have. Qiyun decided that the system would not be so generous.

After taking a closer look, he found that there were indeed rules. Only at the corresponding time could you enter the corresponding category to order food, and there were also quantity restrictions. Of course, the system would decide whether you wanted to eat after taking it out of the system. do not care. However, if it is not enough, you can use points to redeem it at cost price, which Qiyun is still satisfied with. Qiyun needs to decide the time for each meal. He only has one chance. After setting the time, he must pick up the meal according to this time, except for desserts and drinks. Although there is no time limit for desserts and drinks, the quantity is limited.

You can take 3 desserts and 3 drinks a day. After looking at the specific rules, Meng Yi started to set the time: breakfast 8.30-9.30, lunch 11.30-12.30, afternoon tea 2.30-3.30, dinner 5.30-6.30, and midnight snack 9.30-10.30. After setting the time, Qiyun pressed the OK button. "666, can I use this to order my breakfast today?" "Okay, okay, but the host is not ready yet. 666 suggests that you eat some unlocked food first to fill your stomach." " Okay, 666 will set the alarm clock for the meal time I set and remind me on time every day."

"Received, host, the alarm clock has been set." Qiyun stood up, came to the shelf, took a carton of milk and drank it. After drinking the milk, Qi Yun had to admit that the quality of the products produced by the system was indeed very good. Then I took a small shopping basket and started putting things in it. I took 3 bottles of mineral water, 1 cup of soy milk, 2 boxes of milk, 3 buckets of instant noodles of different flavors, and even 3 steamed buns, 2 steamed buns and 2 Boil eggs. "Host, what are you doing with so many things? There will be delicious food soon?"

"I'm happy, isn't it?" Qiyun carried the shopping basket back to the checkout counter and sat down. Let's take out the things in the shopping basket and put them out. Placed next to the computer, the shopaholic cup was casually placed on the card holder.

The alarm clock rang: "666, what's going on?" "Did the host forget? It's breakfast time, you can pick up the food." "Ah, I forgot." He opened the ordering page and looked at the milk on the table. , water and soy milk, decided not to order anything to drink. Qi Yun looked at it for a while and saw that he could order 4 kinds of food for breakfast, so Qi Yun ordered two cages of glutinous rice and shaomai, 4 fried dough sticks, 2 bowls of bean curd and 2 bowls of wonton stew. After ordering breakfast, it appeared directly on the table. Qiyun looked at it and started to eat it deliciously.

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