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It took Qiyun half an hour to finish breakfast, but he didn't finish it. This was also the result of Qiyun's deliberate efforts. In addition to the person's portion being eaten, there were still two people left. Wow, isn't it?

Putting the remaining food into the space, Qiyun stood up and prepared to move his body. He hadn't eaten this kind of food in an unknown period of time and had eaten a bit too much today.

After walking out of the checkout counter, Qiyun walked to the door of the convenience store. He looked at the dilapidated buildings around him and felt that no one would come, so he wanted to go back to his small courtyard.

Seeing that the host was going to have it, 666 became anxious, and a voice with resentment sounded in Qi Yun's mind:

"Host, host, don't go back, okay? Let's stay in the convenience store for business first. When we complete the task and recruit a clerk, the host won't have to watch, okay? Don't go back..."

I was startled by 666s elongated and resentful voice:

"666, what are you going to do, scare me to death so you can find another host?"

"Host, 666 doesn't have it. Really, don't go back to the courtyard, okay? How about I decorate the booth in the cashier for you, and you can just stay there, okay?" 666 started this time. She was acting coquettishly, but her voice was still filled with heartache. Decorating the host would require touching its own treasury.

"Oh? How can you decorate me? Don't you need points?"

"It's my little treasury... Host, I'll decorate it to make it more comfortable for you. Don't you want to go back? How about you stay here until closing time?"

"Do you still have a small vault?"

"Only a little bit, host..."

"Okay, then I promise you."

After hearing the host's agreement, 666 hurriedly opened the space mall for the host to choose from, but did not forget to block those with high points.

After seeing that the things on the screen still had points, Qi Yun raised his eyebrows. Knowing 666's little intention, he didn't mention it clearly, but raised it.

Seeing this scene, 666 secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the host didn't care, otherwise he would have gone bankrupt.

"Okay, 666."

"Ah? So fast?" 666 took a look and the host picked out a soft cushion, a long backrest, and several pillows.

"What, you are not satisfied?" This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading---->>>

"Satisfied, satisfied, I'll do it now, the host will wait a moment." 666 quickly placed the order, and not only bought the things Qi Yun selected, but also bought other small items, and upgraded the items Qi Yun selected. .

After placing them, Qi Yun took a look and saw that not only were the things he bought, but there were also a row of large and small pillows and cushions, plush dolls were also placed on a shelf, small decorations on the table were also placed, and there were even There is a pot of green plants.

"Tsk, 666, you are bleeding profusely."

"Oh, host, don't say that, just feel comfortable..." 666 said coquettishly. In fact, it doesnt cost much for a lot of things, and the more valuable ones are the materials after victory. The internal material rebounds quickly no matter how long or how hard you press it, and the external material also feels super good, especially the plush doll, which feels like the fur of a living pet, making people unable to put it down.

Qiyun was half-lying in the booth, with a big plush doll leaning on his back and a small one in his arms. He called up the ordering screen and prepared to order today's desserts and drinks.

Due to the limited quantity of drinks and desserts, I had no choice but to pick the bigger ones. I ordered the largest package of Sprite and Coke and a bottle, as well as the largest cup of fruit tea. I also ordered one of the desserts without hesitation. A three-layer animal cream cake, a three-layer ice cream cake, and the only normal amount of bean paste ice.

After ordering, a table was set up, with drinks left on the table. The cake was cut into two corners and placed there. The other things were put back on the shelves in the static space of Yunling Space.

There were no guests coming that day, so Qiyun spent the rest of his time just ordering lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner. Of course, he didnt forget to pick up the wool every time he ordered because there were no set quantities for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner. , only stipulates the category, so Qiyun gathered the wool without ceremony, but he didnt gather too much, otherwise what if the system recovered the bug!

After dinner, when it was time to close the shop, Qi Yun returned to his den on time, gathered up the late night snack and went to bed.

Before I went to bed, I didnt forget to change the stores opening hours with 666, changing them to 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., open 12 hours a day. If there are changes, I will need to have a store clerk. This chapter has been read (please click on the next chapter to continue reading!)

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